Ayurved Studies

Swasthavritta evam Yoga BAMS 2nd Year New NCISM Syllabus All Detail

BAMS – 2nd Year
SUBJECT – Swasthavritta evam Yoga
Subject Code : AyUG-SW

Swasthavritta deals with the Vaiyaktika swasthavritta ( Individualized lifestyle including in terms of prevention, promotion & maintainance of health) incudes Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, Rasayana , Pathya-Apathya for both Swastha as well as disease condition. Samajika swasthavritta- Community health deals with Janapadodhwamsa, Environmental health, Occupational health, School health and National health programs etc, along with these topics Swasthavritta also deals Yoga and Naturopathy. Thus, Swasthavritta provides holistic health care to community.

1. Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)

 Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)

Item Theory Component Marks Practical Component Marks
Practical Viva Elective IA
Paper I 100  100








Paper II 100
Sub-Total 200 200
Total marks


2. Number of Papers and Marks Distribution

Subject Code Papers Theory Practical/Clinical Assessment
Practical Viva Elective IA Sub Total Grand Total
AyUG-AT 2 200 100 60 10 30 200 400

3. Question Paper Pattern

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory

Number of Questions Marks per question Total Marks

4. Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative)

First Term (1-6 Months) Second Term (7-12 Months) Third Term (13-18 Months)
Second 3 PA & First TT 3 PA & Second TT 3 PA & UE
PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations

5. Calculation Method for Internal assessment Marks






A 4 B C D E F G H
1 (15


2 (15


3 (15


Average (A+B+C/ 3) Converted to 30 Marks (D/15*30) Term Test (Marks converted to 30) Sub Total



Term Ass essment (…./30)
Final IA Average of Three Term Assessment Marks as Shown in ‘H’ Column.
Maximum Marks in Parentheses
*Select an Evaluation Method which is appropriate for the objectives of Topics from the Table 6 D for Periodic assessment. Conduct 15 marks assessment and enter marks in A, B, and C. ** Conduct Theory (100 Marks)(MCQ(20*1 Marks), SAQ(8*5), LAQ(4*10)) and Practical (100 Marks) Then convert to 30 marks.

6. Distribution of theory examination 

Paper 1st Topics
Sr. No A List of Topics B Term C Marks
1 Swastha and Swasthya 1 6
2 Healthy Life style -Dinacharya (Daily regimen) 1 38
3 Ratricharya 1
4 Ritucharya 1
5 Roganutpadaniya 1 13
6 Sadvritta 1
7 Ahara 1 20
8 Rasayana for Swastha 1 5
9 Yoga 2 18
10 Naturopathy 2
Total Marks 100
Paper 2nd Topics
Sr. No A List of Topics B Term C Marks
11 Janapadodhwamsa / Maraka Vyadhi 2 10
12 Environmental health 2 16
13 Disaster management 2
14 Occupational Health 2 20
15 School health services 2
16 Disinfection 2
17 Primary health care 2 20
18 Mother and Child health care 2
19 Family welfare programme 2
20 Preventive Geriatrics 2
21 World Health Organization and International health agencies 2 19
22 Vital Statistics 2
23 Health Administration 2
24 National Health Programmes 2 15
25 National Health Policy 2
Total Marks 100

7. Distribution of Practical Exam

S.No Heads Marks
1 Yoga – Demonstration of 4 Asanas and 1 Pranyama or Shatkarma proedure Any four asanas from following list for demonstration- Trikonasana, Ardhakatichakrasana, Gomukhasana, Bhadrasana, Pavanamuktasana, Sarvangasana, Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana. Each asana will carry 4 marks x 4 = 16 Procedure -1 mark, Final posture Holding time – 1, Breathing pattern-1 mark and On site viva – 1 mark Any one Pranayama among Nadishuddhi, Suryabhedana, Seetali, Seetkari , Bhramari or any one shatkarma among Neti and KapalabhatiEach pranayama or Shatkarma will carry 4 marks 20
2 Diet and Lifestyle advice case sheet A. Advise on Diet case – 25 Marks – Scenario will be given and asking student to prescribe diet as per the age, prakriti, occupation, agni bala etc,.. B. Advise on Lifestyle – 15 Marks – Scenario will be given and asking student advise lifestyle modifications such as Brahme muhurta uthishteth, Vyayama, Kavala- gandusha,Abhyanga, Udwartana ,Pratimarsha nasya etc,.. , 40
3  Problem-based evaluation – Disinfection, Communicable diseases Environmental health, & Non- Communicable incuding deficiency diseases ,

A. Disinfection ( identification, dose, suitsbility , dilution and contact period), Communicable diseases ( giving scenarios and identifying diseases and mentioning preventive measures) and Environmental health ( giving scenarios related environmental health issues and asking students to mention preventive and control measures) – 15 Marks

B. Non- Communicable diseases ( creating scenarios and asking to identify the diseases with preventive and control methods) and deficiency diseases ( creating scenarios and asking students to indentify the deficiency conditions and asking the students to recommend the nutrients with nutrional profile etc,. – 15 Marks

4 Practical Records 10
5  Viva

Viva on Project work ( Activity based) – 10 Marks

Viva on I Paper – 25 Marks

  1.  Definition of Swastha , Swasthya, Swasthavritta and Health, dimentions of health, objective and subjective components of well-being- 2Mark
  2. Benefits of Ushajala pana, Kavala , Gandusha, Dantadhavana, Anjana, Abhyanga,Udvartana, Vyayama, Snana and Tambula – 4 Mark
  3.  Rarti bhojana, Definition of Nidra , Types of nidra, Ahita nidra, definitions of sleep disorders , Definitions of Brahmacharya and Abrahmacharya and Adanakala and Visarga kala ritus, Doshavastha,Balavastha,Agniavastha of different ritus , Definition of Ritusandhi, Yamadamshtra – 2 Marks
  4.  Adharaneeya vegas , Dharaneeya vega , definition of sadvritta and Acararasayana – 2 Marks
  5.  Importance of Ahara, classification of foods, Aharasevana kala, Ashta ahara vidhivisesha ayatana, Dwadasaha asana pravicarana with slokas , listing of nityasevana ahara dravya( Preferebly sloka), meaning of Pathya , Samashana, Adhyashana, Vishamasana. Sources and deficiency diseases of nutrients, Pastuerization of milk and its methods, meaning of different diet patterns, definition of nutrogenomics, nutracueticals, nutrigenetics and viridhha ahara . Definition, benefits and types of rasayana and definition of anti-oxidants with examples- 10 Marks
  6.  Definitions of Yoga , Meaning and types of Yama , Niyama, Asana,Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana,Samadhi ( slokas mandatory), listing of shatkarma and indications of shatkarma ( sloka mandatory), types of Bamdha, names of Shatchakra, diferences between Sushumna, Pingala and Ida nadi, definition of Moksha, Muktatma lakshana , Moksha upaya, , Basic principles of Naturopathy, Types of Fasting, Hydrotherapy and Massage – 5

Paper II – 25 Marks

  1. Meaning and causes of Janapadodhwamsa, Definitions of terms related to Epidemiolgy and infectious diseases, Dynamics of disease tranmission, Immunizing agents and Immunization schedule. Definition of vyadhikshamatva, Causative organisms and preventive measures of Communicable diseases -5 Marks
  2. Composition of Air, Definition of Comfort zone, Ventilation and its types, Definition of safe and wholesome water, Sources and types ofWater , Purification methods of water as per Ayurveda & Contemporary medicine, Definition of different types of waste, Definition of disaster and types of disasters- 5Marks
  3. Definition of occupational health, listing out occupational hazards and diseases. Est act & Factories act, Health problems of school children, definition of different terms related to disinfection, types and agents of disinfection – 5 Marks
  4. Definition, principles and elements of Primary health care, population coverage , functions and staff pattern at Sub-centre, Primary health centre and Community health centre, Objectives, problems and indicators of MCH, Definitions of demography, familiy planning ,eligible couple and target couple and methods of family palnning – 5Marks
  5. Definition of Geriatrics,Problems of aged, Definition,structure and regions of WHO, Year of eshtablishment , head quarters and main functions of international health agencies, Definition and sorces of vital statistics, organizational structure of health administartion , Year of eshtablishment and main objectives of different national health programmes- 5 Marks
6 Elective topics 10
7 Interna Assessment 30
Total Marks 200

8. Contents of Course

Paper 1st list
Sr. No A2 List of Topics B2 Term C2 Marks
1 Swastha and Swasthya

Definition of Swasthavritta and its objective. Swasthalakshanas, Arogyalakshanas, Dhatusamyalakshanas. Concept of Health & Operational definition of health.

Importance of Shodhana in Swastha in relation to Sanchita & Asanchitha Dosha & Classification of Swastha purusha as Sanchita dosha and Asanchita Dosha.Dimensions of health -Physical, Mental and Social. Concept of well-being : objective component of well-being – standard of living and level of living and subjective component of well-being – Quality of Life. One health concept / Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “One Earth · One Family- One Future”.

1 6
2 Healthy Life style -Dinacharya (Daily regimen) Concept of Primordial, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention along with examples in Ayurveda. Importance of Ahara and Vihara as the health promotive and disease preventive measures. Importance of Niyata kala

vihara (Dinacharya, Ritucharya) and Aniyata kalaVihara(Vegadharana, Vegaudirana, Ritushodhana, Brumhana and Bhutadi asparshana ) for health promotion and disease prevention. Concept of waking up at ‘Brahme muhurta’in the present scenario and the effect of early rise on health, sleep, alertness and memory. UshaJalapana’ (Drinking water in early morning). Importance of Malatyaga in vata kaala – early morning (Good Bowel Habits.).

Mukhaprakshalana and face washes used currently. Concept of Dantadhavana and modern-day brushing techniques and dentifrices. Concept of Jihwanirlekhana and the tools used in today’s era and their benefits. Concept of Anjana as a health promotive measure. Kavala and gandusha for oral hygiene including mouthwashes available in the market.

Abhyanga as as health promotive measure. Importance of the Tambula. Prayogika Dhoomapana ( Practicable & non- practicable Dhoomapana- inhalation of herbal fumes/ herbal inhalers with their benefits and contraindications. Ill effects of tobacco smoking of various sorts viz. beedi, cigarette, hookah on health. Applied aspects of Sarvanga Abhyanga, Padabhyanga, Shiroabhyanga and their possible physiological effects. Application of Abhyanga according to different age groups and occupation/activity. Different snehas/oils to be used for daily abhyanga as per seasons and geographical variations. Concept of Vyayama and present-day practices such as aerobic exercises, muscle strengthening exercises etc.to be practiced as per prakriti, age and occupation. Ardhashakti lakshanas of vyayama and the consequences of ati vyayama. Udwartana, Utsadana Udgharshana . Snana- Types of different types of bath and Physiological effects of snana on body and mind. Importance and benefits of Anulepana. Merits and demerits of present-day applications like face powder, face pack, balm, lotions, lipsticks, deodorants and perfumes etc. Importance of proper clothing (Vastradharana) in social life.

1 38
3 Ratricharya

Ratri bhojanvidhi and its relation to health. Ratri shayana vidhi in relation to the proper time of sleep. Relation between Nidra and health. Effects of Yukta & Ayukta nidra. Effects of Ratri Jagarana, Diwaswapna, Anidra, Atinidra and Akala Nidra. Ahara and Vihara Causing sound sleep as well as disturbed sleep. Formulation of the duration of sleep according to age and Sleep in healthy and ailing persons.Various Aspects of Sleep like: a. Daytime Sleepiness and Alertness                                         b. Sleep Deprivation c. Sleep and Host Defense d. Master Circadian Clock and Master Circadian Rhythm e. Human Circadian Timing System and Sleep-Wake Regulation f. Circadian Rhythms in Sleepiness, Alertness, and Performance g. Circadian Disorders of the Sleep-Wake Cycle. Sleep apnea , insomnia, narcolepsy and restless leg syndrome. Solutions to Asatmya jagarana (sleep disorders). Importance of observing brahmacharya and abrahmacharya in ratricharya in relation to health.

Brahmacharya with special reference to lifestyle guidelines. Reproductive and sexual health according Ayurveda.

4 Ritucharya

Classification of kaala , Adana kala and visarga kala , identification of seasons based on the ritu lakshanas in different geographical areas. Sanchaya- Prakopa- Prashamana of Dosha with their gunas in each ritu. Relation of Agni , Bala and Ritu with its application. Ritu shodhana for the prevention of diseases. Pathya – Apathya in regards to Ahara -Vihara in all six ritus in present scenario.

Importance of ahara and vihara in ritu sandhi and Yamadanshtra kala. Rituharitaki as a rasayana with research updates. Effects of Rituviparyaya on health and its relation to janapadaudhwamsa/maraka vyadhis with present day examples.

5 Roganutpadaniya

Concept of vegadharana and vega-udirana in relation to health and morbidity.Symptoms and management principles of adharaniya vega janya vyadhis from bruhattrayee.Concept of vegaudirana (viz. Use of snuffing powder, forcible evacuation of bowels & bladder etc.). Importance of dharaniya vegas in promotion of mental health.

1 13
6 Sadvritta

Sadavritta measures for the maintenance of personal ,social and spiritual health. Observance of Sadvritta for the prevention of Adharma. Achara Rasayana” and its role in the prevention and control of diseases.Characteristics of a mentally healthy person, warning signals of poor mental health, types of mental illness and causes of mental ill- health. Mental health services and comprehensive mental health programme. Role of trigunas and satvavajaya in mental health promotion in present era. Digital health promotion

7 Ahara

Significance of Ahara for health and well-being according to Ayurveda & Contemporary science. Classification of aharadravyas as per Ayurveda & Contemporary science.

Ahara vidhividhana, Ahara sevanakala & Dwadasha ashanapravicharana . Applied aspect of Pathyahara, Apathyahara, Samashana, Adhyashana, Vishamashana. Ahara &vihara leading to Santarpanajanya evam Apatarpanajanyavyadhi and importance of upavasa and concept of intermittent fasting. Benefits of Shadrasabhojana. Importance of Ashta aharavidhivisesha ayatanani in present era. Importance of Nityasevaniyadravyas in the maintenance of health. Properties (Guna& karmas) of Ahara dravyas in the following vargas with their nutritive value: Dhanyavarga – Shuka Dhanya (Cereals and Millets), Shami Dhanya (Pulses), Shaka and Haritavarga (Leafy and Non leafy vegatables), Kanda varga (roots and tubers), Phalavarga (Fruits), Taila varga (Fats and Oils), Ikshuvarga (Sugarcane Products) &Madyavarga(Alcoholic Beverages), Dugdhavarga (Milk and Milk products), Ahara UpayogiVarga (Spices & Condiments), Kritannavarga(Prepared Food), Mamsavarga (Meat types) and JalaVarga.Definition of Pro-biotics and Pre-biotics and their utility. Proximate principles of Food – Recommended Daily Allowance according to various conditions, Sources and deficiency diseases of Protein, Carbohydrate, Fats, Vitamins, and Minerals. Definition of Balanced diet and diet for an individual depending on age, body weight and physiological status and Social Aspects of Nutrition.Food hygiene, Sanitation of eating places, Preservation of food, Food handlers, Foodborne diseases, Food fortification, Food adulteration and Food toxicants. Milk Hygiene, Milk composition, Source of infection for Milk, Milk borne diseases, Clean and Safe milk and Pasteurization of milk Meat Hygiene, Meat inspection, Slaughterhouse and Freshness of fish and egg. Safety and hygiene measures for Fruits and Vegetables.Formulation of Pathya-Apathya diet for prevention of lifestyle disorders such as Obesity, Diabetes mellitus,Cardiovascular diseases and Acid peptic diseases.Description of Food safety and standards regulation(Ayurveda Ahara Regulations), 2022 and Food safety and standards Act, 2006. Different Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic Aids.Impact of different dietary patterns: Mediterranean diet, Keto Diet, DASH diet, the MIND diet, Vegan diet, Ovo-lacto-vegetarian, Pesco- vegetarian, Plant-based diet, Intermittent diet, the Nordic diet, importance of organic foods, merits and demerits of genetically modified foods and inflammatory foods such as fried foods, cookies, hot dogs, red meat, refined grains, pizza, burger etc,. and instant foods like Maggi etc,. Concept of slow and fast foods and impact of cooking processes like boiling, steaming, sautéing, fermenting etc. (samskara) on health. Definition of Nutraceuticals, Nutrigenomics, Nutrigenetics. Concept of Viruddhaahara with classical and modern-day examples and the application of this in the prevention of diseases

1 20
8 Rasayana for Swastha

Definition of Rasayana and benefits of Rasayana. Classification and types of Rasayana with examples. Urjaskara Rasayanas as per age and occupations /Activities .Antioxidant & immunomodulatory effects of Rasayana with reference to research articles. Importance of lifestyle counselling with its methods.

1 5
9 Yoga

Etymology/derivation of the word ‘Yoga’. Definitions of Yoga according to PatanjaliYogasutras, Bhagavad Gita and Charaka Samhita. Difference between Rajayoga, Hathayoga and Karmayoga.Yogabhyasa Pratibhandhakas and Yoga Siddhikarabhavas. Mitahara and Pathya-apathyas during Yogabhyasa . Concept of Panchakosha theory. Description of Ashtangas of Yoga – Yama , Niyama , Asana .Pranayama , Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Suryanamaskara . Description of Shatkarmas – Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli, and Kapalabhati.Bandha – procedure and benefits of Mulabandha, Jalandharabandha and Uddiyanabandha. Mudras – Shanmukhi mudra and Jnana mudra. Shatchakras and their importance in Yoga practice. Description of Ida-Pingala-Sushumna nadis and their importance in yoga practice.Concept of Moksha according to Charaka , Muktatmalakshana and Moksha upayas.Importance of International Day of Yoga (IDY). Adverse effects of improper Yoga practices

2 18
10 Naturopathy

Basic principles of Naturopathy. Concept of Panchabhutopasana.Therapeutic effects of Mud therapy. Therapeutic effects of Sun bath. Fasting therapy – its types and benefits. Hydrotherapy – types of water used based on the temperature and therapeutic effects of Hydrotherapy. Therapeutic effects of Massage

Total Marks 100
Paper 2nd list
Sr. No A2 List of Topics B2 Term C2 Marks
11 Janapadodhwamsa / Maraka Vyadhi

Causes of Janapadodhwamsa/ maraka vyadhi. Manifestation and control measures of Janapadodhwamsa.Principles and uses of epidemiology. Dynamics of disease transmission.Theory of disease causation – epidemiological triad and natural history of disease.Concept of prevention, modes of intervention, risk factors, incidence and prevalence.Susceptible host and host defense. Immunizing Agents. Concept of vyadhikshamatwa.Investigation of an epidemic. Prevention and control of an epidemic. Sankramaka roga as per Ayurveda.Epidemiological determinants, brief pathology ,transmission, incubation period , clinical features, diagnosis and preventive measures of 1. Droplet Infections such as Chicken Pox, Measles, Rubella, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Mumps, Tuberculosis, SARS, Influenza, Pneumonia, Covid-19 and Leprosy. 2. Water borne Infections / intestinal infections – Cholera, Polio, Viral Hepatitis, Typhoid. 3. Intestinal infestations – Ascariasis, Hook worm and Tape worm. 4.Emerging and re-emerging diseases. Explain Role of Ayurveda in Epidemics like COVID-19, Zika Virus , H1N1,H3N2,etc,. 5.Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) with prevention and control – HIV/ AIDS, Syphilis and Gonorrhea. Role of Ayurveda in the prevention and control with recent research updates of Lifestyle diseases such as DM, Obesity, Coronary artery disease (CAD) and Cancer. Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance Act,2020 .,

2 10
12 Environmental health

Air: Properties of Vayu and composition of air. Changes in air of the occupied room. Comfort zone and indices of thermal comfort. Air pollution -causes, prevention and control. Effects of air pollution on health and social aspects .Effects of Global warming with recent updates. Definition of ventilation and types of Ventilation. Effects of high altitude and mountain air on health.Water : Safe and wholesome water and water requirements. Properties of water from different sources. Water pollution and health hazards. Contemporary and Ayurvedic methods of water purification. Hard Water – its effects on health and methods of removal of hardness. Quality of water stored in different vessels as per classics. Rain water harvesting – methods and its importance.Soil : Types of soil and relation between soil and health. Land pollution – its prevention and control. Land purification as per the classics. Social goals of Housing and Housing standards. The Building and other construction workers ( Regulation of employment and conditions of services) Act, 1996 Effects of housing on health. Overcrowding and its impact on health. Light: Good lighting, natural lighting and artificial lighting. Biological effects of lighting.Noise : Definition of noise and its sources, effects on health and control measures. Radiation: Radiation – sources and effects on health and control measures.Waste disposal : Types of solid waste, Storage and collection of refuse. Methods of disposal of solid waste (Rural & urban). Excreta Disposal methods & Sanitary Latrines. Modern Sewage disposal methods. Disposal methods of Excreta during camps, fairs, and festivals. Bio-medical waste management and Bio- medical waste management rules, 2016. Environment protection Act,1986.

2 16
13 Disaster management

Definition of disaster and disaster management. Effects of natural and man-made disasters.Epidemiologic surveillance and disease control measures.

14 Occupational Health

Definition of occupational health and Ergonomics. Occupational Hazards and Occupational diseases. Prevention and control of Occupational diseases . ESI Act ,1948 and The factories Act.1948. Role of Ayurveda in various Occupational health problems. The Merchant Shipping / Medical Examination Rules,2000

2 20


15 School health services

Health problems of school children. Aspects of school health services.Duties of school medical officers. Healthy environment in the school.

16 Disinfection

Definition of different term used in relation to disinfection. Types of disinfection. Natural agents, Physical agents and Chemical agents of disinfection. Recommended disinfection procedures of feces & urine, sputum, and room. Ayurvedic disinfection methods.

17 Primary health care

Definition of Primary Health Care. Principles and elements of primary health care. Levels of health care. Structure of Primary health care at village, sub-center, Primary health center (PHC), Community health center (CHC) and Rural hospital levels. Primary health care in Health insurance, Private agencies, Voluntary health agencies, NGOs and the AYUSH sector. Role of Ayurveda in Primary Health Care.

2 20
18 Mother and Child health care

Objectives of Maternal and Child Care services. MCH problems & indicators of MCH care.

19 Family welfare programme

Definition of Demography and sources of demographic statistics in India. Demographic cycle & definition of life expectancy.Definition of family planning, eligible couple and target couple. Objectives of family planning. Problems of population explosion . National population policy.Methods of Contraceptive (Fertility Regulating Methods).

20 Preventive Geriatrics

Health problems of the aged and prevention and control measures. Relation between lifestyle and healthy aging. Role of Rasayana in preventive geriatrics.

21 World Health Organization and International health agencies

Definition of World Health organization. Structure, regions, and works of the World Health Organization. Functions of various international health agencies – United Nations health agencies, Bilateral health agencies and Non- Governmental agencies. Contribution of the World health organization to the global acceptance of Ayurveda.

2 19
22 Vital Statistics

Definition of Vital Statistics. Sources of Vital statistics. Fertility , Morbidity and Mortality rates. Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969

23 Health Administration

Health administration including AYUSH at the Central, State, District, and Village levels.

24 National Health Programmes

National Health Programs : Leprosy(NLEP), AIDS (NACP), Blindness (NPCB), Polio , National TB Elimination program , Vector born disease control program, RCH program, ICDS program, Universal Immunization program, National mental health program , National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) , Swachha Bharat mission, Ayushman Bharat Yojana, Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, National health mission (NRHM&NUHM), National AYUSH Mission (NAM).National nutrition programs: National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control program, National Iron Plus Initiative for Anemia Control, National Vitamin A prophylaxis program, Mid-Day Meal program & Balwadi nutrition program.

2 15
25 National Health Policy

National Health Policy (NHP) and the scope of Ayurveda in NHP.

Total Marks 100

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