Ayurved Studies

SAMHITA ADHYAYAN-1 BAMS 1st Year NCISM Syllabus All Information

The main purpose of Samhita teaching is to enable the students to read, understand and practice the Samhitas. Samhita is nothing but an ancient Practical Manual of Ayurveda. Samhita teaching and learning process need to be practically oriented for a better understanding of the subject. It is the need of time to make some addition in the current teaching and learning process of Samhita to make it more relevant, practical, and contemporary. New teaching technology tools will certainly be helpful in the effective delivery of knowledge of Samhita. As per the revised regulation, the nomenclature of the subject is Samhita Adhyayana-I.
The subject includes Ashtanga Hridayam Sutrasthana 1 to 15 chapters and Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 1 to 12 chapters as a part of Samhita Adhyayana-I for First Professional BAMS course. In this revision, NCISM has tried its best to take Samhita teaching beyond the four walls of the classroom and connected it with todays’ living of people and society. For effective content delivery and to create interest in the subject of Samhita, it becomes evident to teach Samhita with practical demonstrations.

List of Topics AyUG-SA1

Ch. 1. Introduction to Samhita-
i. Definition of Samhita and its types and nomenclature. (Samhita- forms, nomenclature, commentary, types etc.)
ii. Brief Introduction of Samhitas (Bruhatrayee), their commentaries and commentators ( Preceptors, aut hours, redactors, commentators )
iii. Tantrayukti, Tantraguna and Tantradosha
iv. RachanaShaili & BhashaShaili (Composition and Language style) of Bruhatrayee.
v. Anubandha Chatushtya
vi. Ashta-Prashna
vii. Trividha Jnyanopaya

Ashtang Hriday Samhita – Sutrasthan (1-15 Adhyaya) – 50 marks

Ch. 2. AH Su.1. Ayushkamiya Adhyaya-
i. Ashtang Hridaya parichaya (Introduction to Ashtang Hridaya)
ii. Dosha-dhatu-mala parichaya (Introduction to dosha, dhatus and
iii. Agni- koshtha swarup (Concept of digestive fire and bowel habits)
iv. Rasa, virya, vipaka prabhav guna parichaya (Introduction to rasa, virya,
vipaka, prabhav and guna)
v. Rog-aarogya swaroop (Concept of health and disease)
vi. Roga-aatur parikshan (Assessment of disease and diseased)
vii. Desha and kaala parichaya (Introduction to habitat and time )
viii. Chikitsa bheda (Types of treatment)
ix. Pada chatushtaya Swaroopam (Concepts of four factors of treatment)
x. Vyadhi sadhyasadhyatva (Types of prognosis)
xi. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 3. AH Su.2. Dinacharya Adhyaya-
i. Dincharya vihaar (Importance of various regimen in Dincharya)
ii. Shuddhi Niyam (Personal hygiene)
iii. Dharmapalan evam sadvrutta palan
iv. Recitation of important shloka

Ch. 4. AH Su.3. Rutucarya Adhyaya-
i. Shadrutu (Classification of seasons according to Uttarayan and Dakshinayan)
ii. Rutucharya (detailed regimen of the six seasons)
iii. Rutusandhi (inter-seasonal period)
iv. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 5. AH Su.4. Roganutpadaniya Adhyaya-
i. Adharaneeya vega and chikitsa (symptoms arising due to suppression of natural urges and their treatment)
ii. Dharneeya vega (Concept of urges which hav eto be suppressed)
iii. Shodhan chikitsa (Importance of purification treatments)
iv. Hita-aahar-vihar sevan (Importance of following healthy lifestyle)
v. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 6. AH Su.5. Dravadravya Vijnaniya Adhyaya-
i. Jala Varga (Water from different sources, various states of water)
ii. Dugdha Varga (Milk and milk products)
iii. Ikshu Varga (Sugarcane and its products)
iv. Madhu varnana (Properties of honey)
v. Tail Varga (Oils of various sources)
vi. Madya Varga (Types of alcoholic beverages)
vii. Mutra Varnana (Types of urine)
viii. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 7. AH Su.6. Annaswaroopa Vijnaneeya Adhyaya-
i. Shuka- DhanyanamSamanya Gunah (Properties of various types of cereals)
ii. Shimbi – Dhanyananam Samanya Gunah (Properties of various types of Pulses)
iii. Mamsasya Samanya Gunah (Properties of meat of various animals )
iv. Shakayoh Samanya Gunah (Properties of various types of vegetables)
v. Phalayoh Samanya Gunah (Properties of various types of Fruits)
vi. Kritanna varganam Samanya Gunah (Properties of various types of cooked food)
vii. Aushadhanam Samanya Gunah (Properties of various types of medicinal herbs)

Ch. 8. AH Su.7. Annaraksha Adhyaya –
i. Rajnikate – Vaidyasthiti ( Important place of Vaidya in Kings palace)
ii. Savishanna Lakshanam (Properties of poisoned food)
iii. Savishanna Pariksha (Examination of food contaminated with poison)
iv. Savishanna -Lakshana – Aushadha ( Signs of food poisoning and its treatment)
v. Viruddha Aahar (Incompatible food and food practices)
vi. Satmikaran Krama (Method of adaptation of wholesome food habits and to taper unwholesome food habits)
vii. Aahar -Shayan -Abrahmacharya – Trayopasthambha (Three accessary pillars of Health)
viii. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 9. AH Su.8. Matrashitiya Adhyaya –
i. AaharMatra (appropriate quantity of food)
ii. Heen -matra, ati -matra bhojan dosha (Demerits of excess and less quantity of food)
iii. Alasak, Visuchika (Etiopathogenesis and management principles of Vishuchika and Alasak)
iv. Apatarpan chikitsa
v. Types of Ajeerna (indigestion) and its causes
vi. Bhojan-samyak yog (Ideal regimen and time for taking food)
vii. KukshiVibhag (Imaginary parts of the stomach)
viii. Details of Anupan (Liquid consumed along with or after food)
ix. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 10. AH Su.9. Dravyaadi Vijnaniya Adhyaya-
i. Dravya shreshthtva(Predominance of Dravya)
ii. Dravyasya panchbhautikatvam (Prevalence of Panchamahabhutas in dravyas)
iii. Panchbhautik dravyanaam guna(Characteristics of PanchabhautikDravyas)
iv. Principles of dravyas viz Veerya- Vipaka- Prabhava
v. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 11. AH Su.10. Rasabhediya Adhyaya-
i. Shadrasanaam utpatti (Origin of Shadrasa)
ii. Shadrasa parichaya (Identity of Six Rasas)
iii. Shadrasa karma, guna, atiyoga lakshana (Functions, properties and presentation of excessive intake of Six Rasas.)
iv. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 12. AH Su.11. Doshadi Vijnaniya Adhyaya-
i. Importance of dosha dhatu mala
ii. Dosha dhatu mala prakruta and vaikruta karma (normal and abnormal functions)
iii. Dosha dhatu mala ashraya- ashrayi bhava (relation between dosha and dhatus)
iv. Samanya chikitsa siddhanta for dosha dhatu mala vruddhi kshaya (treatment principles)
v. Agni (Digestive fire)
vi. General pathophysiology for origin of diseases
vii. Ojus (Essence of dhatus)
viii. Vriddhi-kshaya bheshaja
ix. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 13. AH Su.12. Doshabhediya Adhyaya-
i. Dosha and dosha bheda (Dosha and their types)
ii. Dosha chaya, prakopa, prasham karanani (Causes of dosha accumulation, aggregation and alleviation)
iii. Trividhakarana (three causative factors of disease)
iv. Trividha Roga marga (three pathways of disease)
v. Aatura parikshbhaav (assessment methods)
vi. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 14. AH Su.13. Doshopakramaniya Adhyaya-
i. Tridosha- upakrama (Treatment principles of vitiated doshas)
ii. Shuddha-ashuddha chikitsa lakshana (Accurate and inaccurate treatment)
iii. Dosha gati (movement of doshas inside the body)
iv. Concept of aama
v. Dasha aushadha-kaala (ten types of times for administering medicines)
vi. Recitation of important shlokas
vii. Research Updates – Langhan : Fasting and autophagy induction – how cell recycle and renew theor content, a process called autophagy.

Ch. 15. AH Su.14. Dvividhopakramaniya Adhyaya-
i. Concept of Langhan and Brihan therapies (Treatment procedures for making the body thin and for nourishment)
ii. Concept of Shodhan and shaman therapies (Purification and palliative treatments)
iii. Concept of Atistaulya and atikarshya (Obesity and emaciation)
iv. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 16. AH Su.15. Shodhanadigana Sangraha Adhyaya-
i. Groups of dravyas according to specific action
ii. Groups of dravyas according to major ingredient as well as action

Charak Samhita – Sutrasthan (1-12 Adhyaya): 50 marks

Ch. 17. Ch S Su 1. Deerghanjiviteeya Adhyaya-
i. Ayurvedavataranam (Genealogy of Ayurveda)
ii. Arogsya chaturvarge pradhanam karanam
iii. Trisutra Ayurveda
iv. Details of Shat padartha
v. Ayurvedasya lakshanam tatha prayojan
vi. Ayusho lakshanam paryayashcha
vii. Samanyavisheshayorlakhanam
viii. Tridanda
ix. Vyadhinam trividho hetusamgrah
x. Vyadhinam ashraya tatha Arogasya karanam
xi. Atmano lakshanam
xii. Details about Sharira and manas dosha
xiii. Sadhyaasadhyata vikara chikitsa
xiv. Rasa varnanam
xv. Dravya bheda
xvi. Aushadhinam nama-rupa-upyog gyan
xvii. Bhishagbubhushoh kartavyam
xviii. Yuktasya bhaishajyasya lakshanam
xix. Bhishaktamasya lakshanam
xx. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 18. Ch S Su 2. Apamarga Tanduliya Adhyaya-
i. Shiro Virechana Dravya & Main Indications
ii. Vamana Dravya & Main Indications
iii. Virechana Dravya & Main Indications
iv. Asthapana Dravya & Main Indications
v. Anuvasana Dravya & Main Indications
vi. Ashtavimshathi Yavagu
vii. Panchakarma Mahatwa & Vaidya Guna
viii. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 19. Ch S Su 3. Aragvadhiya Adhyaya-
i. Dwa Trimshath Churna Pradeha & Main Indications

Ch. 20. Ch S Su 4. Shadvirechana-shatashritiya Adhyaya-
i. Shadvirechan aashrya
ii. Panchkashaya yoni
iii. Panchvidh kashaya kalpana
iv. Panch kashaya shatani

Ch. 21. Ch S Su 5. Matrashiteeya Adhyaya-
i. MatravatAhara
ii. Nature of Ahara (Guru, Laghu)
iii. AharaMatra
iv. MatravatAharaPhala
v. AharaSevanaVidhana on the bases of its nature
vi. Swasthavrutta
vii. Anjana
viii. Dhumapana
ix. Nasya
x. Dantadhavana
xi. Jivhanirlekhana
xii. Gandusha
xiii. Abyanga
xiv. Parimarjana
xv. VastraGandhaMalyadiDharana
xvi. Shouchavidhi
xvii. Kshoura Karma
xviii. PadatraDharana
xix. ChatraDharana
xx. Important Shlokas for recitation
xxi. Research Updates: Role of Dinacharya to maintain circadian rhythm Role of therapeutic message for cell rejuevination Mechanism of satiation and proper quantity of food (Sauhitya Matra)

Ch. 22. Ch S Su 6. Tasyashiteeya Adhyaya-
i. Classification Samvastara
ii. Visarga Kala
iii. Adana kal;a
iv. Shadrutuvivechana and Charya
v. Hamsodaka
vi. Saatmya
vii. Important shlokas for recitation
viii. Research Updates: What causes the season: Summer and winter solistice- Equinoxes- Rotation of earth around sun.

Ch. 23. Ch S Su 7. Naveganadharaniya Adhyaya-
i. Adharneeya-Dharneeya vega lakshan, chikitsa
ii. Vyayam (Details regarding exercise)
iii. Ahita sevan evam varjya vidhi
iv. Deha prakruti (Body constitution)
v. Agantuja evam Pradnyaapradh janya vyadhi evam chikitsa
vi. Impotant Shlokas for recitation
vii. Research Updates: Corelation of genomic variation with the classification of Prakriti

Ch. 24. Ch S Su 8. Indriyopakramaniya Adhyaya-
i. Enumeration of Indriya, Dravya, Adhishthana, Artha, Buddhi
ii. Manas Lakshana
iii. Ekatvam of Manas
iv. Sattvikatva, Rajasatva and Tamasatva of Manas
v. Indriya PanchaPanchaka
vi. Adhyatma Dravya Guna Sangraha
vii. Mahabhuta – Indriya sambandh
viii. Prakriti – Vikriti hetu
ix. SadvrittaAnushthana
x. Hetuchatushtaya
xi. AnuktaSadvritta
xii. Important Shlokas for Recitation
xiii. Research updates: Mental health and gut microbiota.

Ch. 25. Ch S Su 9. Khuddakachatushpada Adhyaya-
i. Chikitsa Chatushpada
ii. Roga-Arogya Lakshana
iii. Chikitsa Lakshana
iv. Vaidya, Dravya (Bheshaja), Paricharaka, Aatura guna
v. Vaidya pradhanatva
vi. Adnya chikitsak dosha
vii. Sadvaidya lakshana
viii. Vaidya kartavya
ix. Vaidya Vritti
x. Recitation of important Shlokas
xi. Research Updates: Medical ethics-principles Soft Skill development for medical
students Emotional Intelligence as a crucial component in medical edication

Ch. 26. Ch S Su 10. Mahachatushpada Adhyaya-
i. Catushpaada-bheshajam alam aarogyaayeti (aatreya-krta)
ii. Bheshaja-abheshajayo tulyatva pratipaadana – (maitreya-krta)
iii. Its conclusion by Atreya
iv. Pareekshya-kaarino hi kusalaa bhavanthi
v. Cikitsaa sootram
vi. Cikitsaayaam yasolaabhe kaaranam
vii. Asaadhyaroga-cikitsaayaam haani
viii. Further division of saadhya- asaadhyata
ix. Sukha-saadhya lakshanam
x. Krcchra-saadhya lakshanam
xi. Yaapya lakshanam
xii. Pratyaakhyeya lakshanam
xiii. Benefit of knowledge of prognosis
xiv. The versatile usage of the term ‘mithyaa-buddhi’
xv. Recitation of important shlokas

Ch. 27. Ch S Su 11. Tisraishaniya Adhyaya-
i. TrividhaEshana (Three Desires of life)
ii. Paralokaeshana
iii. Chaturvidhapariksha
iv. Punarjanma siddhi by Chaturvidhapramanas
v. Trayopasthambha
vi. Trividhabala
vii. Trividhaayatana
viii. Atiyoga, Heenayoga and Mithya yoga of artha, karma and kaala
ix. Trividharoga
x. Treatment for manasavyadhi
xi. Trividharogamarga
xii. Trividhavaidya
xiii. Trividhaoushadha
xiv. Ashtatrika
xv. Important Shloka for Recitation

Ch. 28. Ch S Su 12. Vatakalakaliya Adhyaya-
i. Vata guna
ii. Views of various Acharyas on Vata dosha Guna avum Karma
iii. Vayu prakop-prasham karan
iv. Akupita, kupita vayu karma
v. Vata Dosha – Clinical application
vi. Akupita-kupita pitta karma
vii. Akupita- kupita kapha karma
viii. Atreya’s exploration on Tridosha
ix. Important shloka for recitation

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