2nd Professional Ayurvedacharya (BAMS)
Subject – Rasashastra evam Bhaishajyakalpana
Subject Code : AyUG-RB
Bheshaja is important in chikitsa chatushpada. Prepared personally or purchased or prescribed, the medicines must be potent. Identity, Purity, Quality, Stability, Safety and Efficacy all factors must be assessed carefully so that extensive therapeutic utility without any adverse drug reaction can be achieved. Education of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics i. e. Ayurvediya Aushadhi Nirmana Shastra must provide foundation through guidance for academicians, Researchers, entrepreneurs and clinicians. Yogavijyana and prayogavijnyana is that expected foundation. Ayurvedic classics expect yuktijna, siddhahasta, sarva bhaishajya kovid ( carak su. 20/22) physician as an outcome of studying Ayurveda.
Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution
Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution) |
Item | Theory Component Marks | Practical Component Marks | |||
Practical | Viva | Elective | IA | ||
Paper I | 100 |
100 |
70 |
– |
30 |
Paper II | 100 | ||||
Sub-Total | 200 | 200 | |||
Total marks |
400 |
Number of Papers and Marks Distribution
Subject Code | Papers | Theory | Practical/Clinical Assessment | |||||
Practical | Viva | Elective | IA | Sub Total | Grand Total | |||
AyUG-RB | 2 | 200 | 100 | 70 | – | 30 | 200 | 400 |
Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative)
First Term (1-6 Months) | Second Term (7-12 Months) | Third Term (13-18 Months) | |
Second | 3 PA & First TT | 3 PA & Second TT | 3 PA & UE |
PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations. |
Calculation Method for Internal assessment Marks
TEST** |
A 2 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | |
1 (15
Marks) |
2 (15
Marks) |
3 (15
Marks) |
Average (A+B+C/ 3) | Converted to 30 Marks (D/15*30) | Term Test (Marks converted to 30) | Sub Total
_/60 Marks |
Term Ass essment (…./30) | |
FIRST | E+F | (E+F)/2 | ||||||
SECOND | E+F | (E+F)/2 | ||||||
THIRD | NIL | E | ||||||
Final IA | Average of Three Term Assessment Marks as Shown in ‘H’ Column. | |||||||
Maximum Marks in Parentheses
*Select an Evaluation Method which is appropriate for the objectives of Topics from the Table 6 D for Periodic assessment. Conduct 15 marks assessment and enter marks in A, B, and C. ** Conduct Theory (100 Marks)(MCQ(20*1 Marks), SAQ(8*5), LAQ(4*10)) and Practical (100 Marks) Then convert to 30 marks. |
Question Paper Pattern
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory
Number of Questions | Marks per question | Total Marks | ||
Q 2 | SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (SAQ) | 8 | 5 | 40 |
Q 3 | LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (LAQ) | 4 | 10 | 40 |
100 |
Similar for Paper II
Distribution of theory examination
Paper 1 Ayurvediya Aushadhi Nirmana Vigyana | ||||||
Sr. No | A
List of Topics |
Term |
Marks |
MCQ (1 Mark) |
SAQ (5 Marks) |
LAQ (10 Marks) |
1 | 1.Chronological development of Ayurvediya Aushadhi Nirmana | 1 | 05 | No | Yes | No |
2 | 2.Paribhasha ( Terminology) | 1 | 10 | Yes | Yes | No |
3 | 3.Adharbhuta Siddhanta (Application of fundamental principles ) | 1 | 05 | Yes | Yes | No |
4 | 4.Yantropakaranani- I (Equipments and machineries) | 1 | 05 | Yes | Yes | No |
5 | 5.Yantropakaranani -II (Equipments, fuel and Heating Devices) | 1 | 05 | Yes | Yes | No |
6 | 6.Kalpana Nirmana I (Primary & Secondary dosage forms) | 1 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
7 | 7.Kalpana Nirmana-II (Method of Preparation of different dosage forms& Dietary Supplements) ) | 1 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
8 | 8.Rasa Dravya Parichaya- I | 2 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
9 | 9.Rasa Dravya Parichaya II | 2 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
10 | 10.Rasadravya Parichaya III | 2 | 5 | Yes | No | No |
11 | 11.Kalpana Nirman -III (Method of Preparation of different dosage forms) | 2 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
12 | 12.Chaturvidha Rasayana | 2 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
13 | 13.Current and emerging trend in Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals | 3 | 5 | No | Yes | No |
14 | 14.GMP(Schedule T) & Regulatory aspects of Ayurvedic drugs | 3 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
Total Marks | 100 |
Paper 2 Ayurvediya Aushadhi Prayoga Vigyana | ||||||
Sr. No | A
List of Topics |
Term |
Marks |
MCQ (1 Mark) |
SAQ (5 Marks) |
LAQ (10 Marks) |
15 | 1.Aushadhi Prayoga Vigyana | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
16 | 2.Single drug (Herbal & Mineral) | 1 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
17 | 3.Single drug(Bhasma, Shuddha & Pishti) | 2 | 15 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
18 | 4.Aushadhi Kalpa -I (Compound formulations) | 2 | 15 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
19 | 5.Aushadhi Kalpa-II (Compound Drugs/Formulations) | 3 | 15 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
20 | 6.Dosage Forms & Cosmetic Products | 3 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
21 | 7.Nutraceuticals | 3 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
22 | 8.Anupana Prayoga for Aushadhi Kalpa | 3 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
23 | 9.Aushadhi Prayoga Marga | 3 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
24 | 10.Rational prescription along with safe dispensing of Ayurvedic formulations. | 3 | 5 | No | Yes | No |
25 | 11.Traditional & Local health Practices | 3 | 5 | No | Yes | No |
26 | 12.Pharmacovigilance for Ayurveda drugs | 3 | 5 | Yes | Yes | No |
Total Marks | 100 |
Distribution of Practical Exam
S.No | Heads | Marks |
1 | 1. Spotting (10 sample + 5 Instruments/ equipments)
Identification (1 mark) answering sub question related to spotter(1 mark) 15×2=30 mark Choose spotter from below mentioned list 1. Parada (mercury), |
30 |
37. Dola Yantra
38. DamaruYantra |
2 | 2. Long Practical
Selection of Ingredients with proportion(10Marks) Preparation following SOP (15 marks) Demonstration of Siddhi lakshana(05Marks) on site viva ( 10 Marks) List of Long Practicals 1. Sitopaladi churna Note: for preparation shuddha dravya, decoction,murchita gritha, murchita taila etc are to be provided for long practical |
40 |
3 | 3. Short Practical
List of Short Practicals 1. Godanti Shodhana |
20 |
4 | 4.Practical Record
Four Record books- for each record book 2.5 Marks |
10 |
5 | 5.Viva-Voce
Structure of Viva 1. Paribhasha – (2 questions 3 marks each) – 6 Marks |
70 |
6 | 6. Internal assessment | 30 |
Total Marks | 200 |
Contents of Course
Sr. No | A2 List of Topics | B2 Term | C2 Marks | ||
1 | 1.Chronological development of Ayurvediya Aushadhi Nirmana
Definition, chronological development, significance and scope of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana. Concept of Rasashala , Rasa-mandapa and Bheshajagara Concept of Rasa-Rasayana Briefing on Indians are first to prepare metal based medicines and Recent development in Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals. |
1 | 05 | ||
2 | 2.Paribhasha ( Terminology)
1. Definition and Importance of Paribhasha A) Rasa, Maharasa, Uparasa, Dhatuvarga, Upadhatu, Ratna, Uparatna, Sudhavarga, Sikatavarga, Lavanavarga, Visha, Upavisha, Kajjali, Mitrpanchaka, Dravaka Gana, 4. Prakriya Paribhasha- A) Shodhana: Types of Shodhana, Samanya Shodhana, Vishesha Shodhana, Different techniques used for Shodhana, Swedana, Mardana, Dhalana, Nirvapa, Nirjaleekarana, Nimajjana, Bhavana,Bharjana Parada Jaranaa, Murchchhana, Names of Parad-Bandhas 5) Pramanikarana Paribhasha (Terms for Standardization)- A) Grahy-Agrahyattva, Siddhilakshana 6) Puraka Paribhasha (Supplementary)– Rudra Bhaga, Dhanvantari Bhaga7) Mana-Paribhasha- |
1 | 10 | ||
3 | 3.Adharbhuta Siddhanta (Application of fundamental principles )
Dravya Sangrha and Samrakshana • Time of drug Collection |
1 | 05 | ||
4 | 4.Yantropakaranani- I (Equipments and machineries) Principles involved, currently used yantras, their correlation, utility, and Instruments used in Large scale Production
Dola Yantra, Valuka Yantra, Puta Yantra, Khalwa Yantra, Patana Yantra, Darvika Yantra, Ulukhala Yantra, Patala Yantra, Kupi Yantra, Arkapatana Yantra, Pithara Yantra, Sharava Yantra, Palika Yantra, Sthali Yantra, Swedana Yantra, Vidyadhara Yantra, |
1 | 05 | ||
5 | 5.Yantropakaranani -II (Equipments, fuel and Heating Devices)
Principle involved, importance of temperature, currently used heating devices utility, quantum of heat and Instruments used in Large scale Production Puta- Chandra Puta, Surya Puta, Maha Puta, Gaja Puta, Varaha Puta, Kukkuta Puta, Kapota Puta, Lavak Puta, Budhar Puta, Gorvara Puta, Valuka Puta, Kumbha / Bhanda Puta Musha Samanya Musha, Crucibles- Silica, Mudra, Sandhi Bandhan Material |
1 | 05 | ||
6 | 6.Kalpana Nirmana I (Primary & Secondary dosage forms)
Definition, classification with suitable examples, reference ingredients, quantity, method of preparation, principle involved, instruments used in small and large scale production, siddhi lakshana, storage, shelf life, modern aspect of related preparation of the following Panchavidha Kashya Kalpana (Primary dosage forms): Swarasa, Kalka, Kwatha, Hima, Phanta Upaklpana (Secondary dosage forms): Kalka: Churna Kalpana Kwatha: Pramathya Kalpana, Paniya Kalpana, Ushnodaka, Ksheera Paka Kalpana, Laksha Rasa, Mamsa Rasa Hima Kalpana : Mantha Kalpana, Udaka Kalpana, Panaka Kalpana Phanta Kalpana: Arka Ksheerabala Bala Taila, Concept of Avartana, Research updates on snehakalpana, market survey Sandhana Kalpana Introduction, significance of sandhana kalpana, classification, difference between Madhya and Shukta Kalpana, general method of preparation, essential ingredients, anukta Mana, sandhana vidhi, observations, Burnig candle test, Lime water Test, important factors in Asava Arishta Preparation like sandhanan patra selection, place for fermentaion, importance of room temperature, sandhana kala, adding of honey, bhasma, prakshepaka dravya, difference between Asava & Arishta, shelf life and alcohol % with examples Draksharista and Usheerasava, Research updates on Sandhana Kalpana, market survey Pathya Kalpana Definition , significance of Pathya, types, general, method of preparation Manda, Peya, Yavagu, Vilepi, Anna or Odana Kalpana, Krashara, Yusha, Takra, Khada, Kambalika, Raga, Shadava, Related Research updates, Market survey of Dietary Supplements |
1 | 10 | ||
8 | 8.Rasa Dravya Parichaya- I
Synonyms, minerological identification, sources, types, grahya and agrahyata, doshas, shodhana, marana and other processing techniques, Probable Physico-chemical Changes, importance of temperature while processing , yoga, Research updates of the following Must to know Drugs Parada (mercury) Abhraka (Biotite Mica) Makshika (Chalco-pyrite) Shilajatu(Asphaltum Punjabianum) Gandhaka (Sulfur) Gairika(Red Ochre) Kankshi (Alum) Haratala (Orpiment) Manahshila (Realgar) Kampillaka(Mallotus Philippinensis) Navasadara (Ammonium chloride) Hingula (Red Cinnabar) Swarna (Gold) Rajata (Silver) Tamra (Copper) Loha (Iron) Mandur (rust iron) Vanga (Tin) Naga (Lead) Yashada (Zinc) Mukta (Pearl), Pravala (Coral) Vajra (Diamond) Kaparda (Cowries) Shukti (Oyster Shell) Shankh (Conch Shell) Godanti (Gypsum) Samudraphena (Cattle Fish bone) Kukkutanda twak (Hen’s EggShell) Tankana kshara (Borax) |
2 | 10 | ||
9 | 9.Rasa Dravya Parichaya II
Synonyms, mineralogical identification, sources, types, grahya and agrahyata, shodhana, marana and other processing techniques with probable chemical reactions, the importance of temperature, yoga, research updates of the following: Desirable to know drugs: Sasyaka (Peacock ore) Kaseesa (Green Vitriol), Gauri pashana (Arsenic oxide); Trinakanta, Akika(Agate), Sudha (Lime stone ), Khatika Ajashthi; Jaharmohara (Serpentine) Dugdhapashana (Talc) |
2 | 5 | 7 | 6 |
10 | 10.Rasadravya Parichaya III
Synonyms, Minerological Identification, sources, types, Grahya, Agrahyata, Shodhana, Marana, Probable Chemical Changes, Properties,dose, Ashuddha/Apakwa Bhasma Sevanajanya Vydhi and their shantyupaya, yoga, Research updates Nice to know drugs: Vaikrantha, Vimala (Iron Pyrite), Chapala Rasaka Anjana Kankustha Agnijara Giri Sindura (Red oxide of Hg) Mriddara shringa (Litharge) Kamsya (Bronze) Pittala (Brass) Vartaloha. Manikya (Ruby) Tarkshya (Emerald) Pushparaga (Topaz) Nilam (Sapphire) Gomeda (Zircon or Cinnamone stone) Vaidurya (Cats eye) Mriga shringa (Stag horn) Sikata (Silica) Vyomashma (Sangeyashab – Jade) Kousheyashma (Asbestos) Badarshama (silicate of lime) |
2 | 5 | 3 | 6 |
11 | 11.Kalpana Nirman -III (Method of Preparation of different dosage forms)
Sharkara Kalpana- General method of preparation, difference between sharkara kalpana and syrup, importance of temperature, precautions, confirmatory tests, packing, preservation, shelf life with Example of Tulasi Arka Sharkara Gudapaka – General Method of Preparation, importance of temperature, precautions, confirmatory tests, packing, preservation, shelf life with Example of ManibhadraGuda, Guda Pippali Lavana Kalpana- General Method of Preparation, importance of temperature, precautions, confirmatory tests, packing, preservation, shelf life with Example of Narikela Lavana Kshara Kalpana – General Method of Preparation, importance of temperature, precautions, confirmatory tests, packing, preservation, shelf life with Example of Kadali Kshara, chincha Kshara Ayskriti Kalpana – General Method of Preparation, importance of temperature, precautions, confirmatory tests, packing, preservation, shelf life with Example Ayaskriti Lepa Kalpana – General Method of Preparation, importance of temperature, precautions, confirmatory tests, packing, preservation, shelf life with Example of Avalgunjadi Lepa, Keshavardhaka Lepa. |
2 | 10 | 8 | 6 |
12 | 12.Chaturvidha Rasayana
Introduction, definition, importance, types, Procedure, necessary equipment, Shelf life with following exampleKharaliya Rasayana: Shwasakuthara rasa and Vatavidwansana rasa |
2 | 10 | 4 | 4 |
13 | 13.Current and emerging trend in Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals
Cosmetics-Formulation, Regulatory ProvisionsBrief Introduction to Cosmetics-Formulation, Regulatory Provisions, Plant Layout and other factory requirements, process used in the manufacture of Cosmetics, Most commonly used cosmetic Raw materials , Control of microbial contamination in the manufacture of cosmetics and Quality Control of cosmetics, Skin Sensitization Sensitivity Testing, In vitro-Tests for Skin Irritation, Quality Control of Raw materials, Intermediates and Finished Products, Stability of CosmeticsIntroduction to Dosage formsIntroduction, Classification of Dosage forms(Solid dosage forms, Liquid dosage forms and Semisolid dosage forms), Need of dosage forms. |
3 | 5 | 3 | 4 |
14 | 14.GMP(Schedule T) & Regulatory aspects of Ayurvedic drugs Brief overview of following Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules1945 import, manufacture, sale distribution of drugs and cosmetics standards of quality, misbranded, adulterated, spurious drugs and cosmetics as amended from time to time. New Acts related to Drugs and Devices. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of ASU Drugs in accordance to Schedule- T Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and FDA Approval Drugs. |
3 | 5 | 2 | 4 |
Total Marks | 100 | 75 hr | 57 hr |
Sr. No | A2
List of Topics |
B2 Term | C2 Marks |
15 | 1.Aushadhi Prayoga Vigyana
Introduction, Ethymology, Scope of Aushadhi Prayoga vigyanaPrashastha bheshaja Lakshana |
1 | 5 |
16 | 2.Single drug (Herbal & Mineral)
Single drug its variety of formulations and their different indications• Chemical/phytochemical composition • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics as per formulation Bhallataka Gandhaka |
1 | 10 |
17 | 3.Single drug(Bhasma, Shuddha & Pishti) • Single drug/ formulation and its mode of action in different indications •Chemical/phytochemical composition • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics as per formulation • Therapeutic properties • Awasthanusara Uses(as applicable) • Matra • Anupana • Pathyapathya • Sevana Kala • Kala maryada (duration of medication as applicable) • Side effects of medication(as applicable) • Ashuddha apakwa, avidhi sevanajanya vyadhi and their shantyupaya, • Research updates and clinical evidences for each of the following formulations: Abhraka Bhasma Swarna Makshika Bhasma Swarna Bhasma Rajata Bhasma Lauha Bhasma Tamra Bhasma Vanga Bhasma Naga Bhasma Yashada Bhasma Kasisa Bhasma Shuddha Shilajatu Shuddha Gandhaka Shuddha Gairika Shuddha Kankshi Mukta Pishti & Bhasma Pravala Pishti & Bhasma Vajra Bhasma Kaparda Bhasma Shankh Bhasma Godanti Bhasma Shuddha Tankana Shuddha Kankshi |
2 | 15 |
18 | 4.Aushadhi Kalpa -I (Compound formulations) •Chemical/phytochemical composition • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics as per formulation • Therapeutic properties and its mode of action in different indications, • Awasthanusara Uses(as applicable) • Matra • Anupana • Pathyapathya • Sevana Kala • Kala maryada (duration of medication as applicable) • Side effects of medication(as applicable) • Ashuddha apakwa processed , avidhi sevanajanya vyadhi and their shantyupaya, • Research updates and clinical evidences for each of the following formulations: Kharaliya Rasayana • Arogyavardhini Gutika : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:4, R.R.S. Visarpa Chi. 20/106 • Kumara Kalyana Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:9, B.R. Balaroga / 163 • Garbhapala Rasa : A.F.I. – II, Rasayoga, 16:14,R.T.Sa. Part – I, 140 Chandraprabha Vati : A.F.I. – I, Vati Gutika, 12:10,Sha.Sa.M.7/40 • pravala Panchamrita Rasa : A.F.I. – II, Rasayoga, 16:37,B.R. Gulma / 139 • Anandbhairava Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:3,R.Sa.Sa.Jwara 2/103 • Yogendra Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:31,B.R. Vatavyadhi / 506 • Laxmivilas Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:39, B.R. Rasayana / 55 • Vasantakusumakara Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga,20:42,R.Sa.Sa.Rasayana Vajikarana / 80 • Vasantamalti Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:41, Si.Bhai.Ma.Ma.Jwara / 60 • Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa : A.F.I. – I, Rasayoga, 20:26,B.R.,Vatavyadhi/502
Kupipakwa Rasayana
A.A.G.S. Part – 4 Page 88 Pottali Rasayana Hemagarbha Pottali : A.F.I. – II, Rasayoga, 16:66, Rasamruta Rasavigyaniya 9/218 |
2 | 15 |
19 | 5.Aushadhi Kalpa-II (Compound Drugs/Formulations) • Chemical/phytochemical composition • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics as per formulation • Therapeutic properties and its mode of action in different indications, • Awasthanusara Uses(as applicable) • Matra • Anupana • Pathyapathya • Sevana Kala • Kala maryada (duration of medication as applicable) • Side effects of medication(as applicable) • Improperly processed , avidhi sevanajanya vyadhi and their shantyupaya, • Research updates and clinical evidences for each of the following formulations: Dashamoola Kwatha (AFI Part I Page 55) Mahamanjistadi Kwatha (AFI Part I page 59)Pushyanuga Churna (AFI-Part I, Page 113) Sudarshana Churna (AFI Part I Page 116) Lavana Bhaskara Churna (AFI-Part I, Page 114) Bilvadi Gutika (AFI Part I Page 188) Chitrakadi Gutika (AFI-Part I, Page 186) Sanjivani Vati (B.R. Jwaradhikara) Vyoshadi Vati (AFI Part III Page 253) Bala Chaturbhadra Rasa (B.R. Balarogadhikara) Simhanada Guggulu (AFI-Part I, Page 71) Yogaraja Guggulu (AFI-Part I, Page 69) Chyavanaprashavaleha (AFI Part I page 37) Dadimavaleha (Y.R. Jwaratisaradhyaya) Panchagavya Ghrita (AFI Part I Page 90) Brahmi Ghrita (AFI Part I Page 93) Narayana Taila (AFI Part I Page 138) Neelibhringadi Taila (AFI Part I Page 139) Panchaguna Taila (AFI-Part II, Page 145) Aravindasava (AFI Part I page 7) Ashokarishta (AFI Part I page 8) Kumaryasava (AFI Part I page 10) Kutajarishta (AFI Part I page 10) Gandhakadya Malahara (AFI-Part II, Page 165) Lepa Guti (AFI Part III page 232) |
3 | 15 |
20 | 6.Dosage Forms & Cosmetic Products Definition of dosage form,-Cosmetics Advantages and disadvantages of currently available dosage forms and cosmetics. Route of their administration. Research updates on modification of classical Ayurvedic dosage forms and relevant case studies. |
3 | 5 |
21 | 7.Nutraceuticals Introduction Types, non Indian nutraceuticals and their uses Ayurvedic Perspective of Nutraceuticals with special reference to dietic preparation, rasayana with one examples for each category , mode of action, nutritional value calculation, research updates and case studies on below mentioned category General Health : Kushmanda avaleha Pediatric Health: Preenana Modaka(Kashyapa) Geriatric Health: Chavanaprasha avaleha Reproductive Health: Phala Grita Women’s health: Soubhagya shuntipaka, Shatavari grita Cardio-protective: Arjuna Ksheerapaka & Rasona ksheera paka Sports endeavor: Kharjuradi mantha Mental health: Brahma Rasayana |
3 | 5 |
22 | 8.Anupana Prayoga for Aushadhi Kalpa Properties of Anupana Factors to be considered for selection of Anupana
Purpose of Anupana Contraindications of Anupana |
3 | 5 |
23 | 9.Aushadhi Prayoga Marga Introduction Types in ayurveda Advantages and disadvantages of each aushadhi prayoga marga and probable mode of action after administration of following dosage forms in below mentioned routes 1. Mukha (Oral Cavity): Vati, Gutika, Churna, Asava, Arishta,Kashaya, Avaleha, Khanda, Sneha (Ghrita/Taila), 2. Nasa(Nasal Route)- Dosage form used – Churna, taila, swarasa, arka 3. Karna (Through Ear)- Taila, Ghrita 4. Akshi (Through Eyes)- – Ghrita, Taila, 5. Twak (Through Skin)- Lepa, Alepa, Pralepa, Malahara, upanaha,pradeha, abhyanga, udvartana • Shirodhara – Takra • Abhyanga- Sahacharadi Taila • Ashti Bhagna- Murivenna Taila • Vrana- Jatyadi Taila • Smashru – Shankha Bhasma • Kesha Ghanata- Bringaraja Taila • Akala Palita – Hasthi Danta Masi • Indralupta – Icchabhedi Rasa • Lomashatana – Lomashatana Lepa 6. Guda ( Anal Route)- Dosage forms – Vartis, taila, ghrita, kalka, churna, kashaya 7. Mutra marga (Through urethra)- Uttara Basti with Dosage forms- Taila, ghrita 8. Yoni marga (Through vagina)- Yoni Dharana, Yoni Dhavana, Yoni Pichu, Yoni Dhoopana |
3 | 10 |
24 | 10.Rational prescription along with safe dispensing of Ayurvedic formulations. Rational prescription along with safe dispensing of Ayurvedic formulations as per NABH guideline |
3 | 5 |
25 | 11.Traditional & Local health Practices Introduction to Traditional & Local health Practices and Government initiatives to preserve it. Brief introduction to TKDL |
3 | 5 |
26 | 12.Pharmacovigilance for Ayurveda drugs Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) Pharmacovigilance Programme of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy (ASU & H) Drugs Central Sector Scheme and Centres of Pharmacovigilance of ASU & H Drugs |
3 | 5 |
Total Marks | 100 |
To achieve the programme outcome of the Professional BAMS course of NCISM , this particular subject contributes a lot by providing thorough multidimensional knowledge in cognitive domain, hands on training of pharmaceutical processing in Psychomotor domain and ethical attitudes towards drug development in affective domain.
The thought process by which Rasa Bheshaja Yogas reaches yojana- administration is very much important. Dose, Duration, Time and Route of administration, anupana all such factors are unique features of holistic Ayurvedic Practice. Acquiring details of these topics along with practical application with understanding its significance is the course objective of the subject RS& BK. The main Goal is to cater professional Competency in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics and make them capable to select proper / effective yoga and administer it safely.