Ayurved Studies

BAMS 1st Year All Information (Study Material, Books, Syllabus, Notes)

The Bachelor of Ayurveda education namely, the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) shall produce Graduates, having profound knowledge of Ashtanga Ayurveda along with the contemporary advances in the field of Ayurveda supplemented with knowledge of scientific and technological advances in modern science and technology along with extensive practical training, as an efficient physicians and surgeons for the health care services.

Duration of B.A.M.S. Programme
(Duration of B.A.M.S. Programme)
Sl. No. Course of the B.A.M.S. Programme Duration
(a) First Professional B.A.M.S. Eighteen Months
(b) Second Professional B.A.M.S. Eighteen Months
(c) Third (Final) Professional B.A.M.S. Eighteen Months
(d) Compulsory Rotatory Internship Twelve Months
First Professional B.A.M.S.
Sl.No. Subject Code Subject Equivalent Terms
1 AyUG-SN and AI Samskritam evam Ayurved Ithihas Sanskrit and History of Ayurveda
2 AyUG-PV PadarthaVigyan Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda and Quantum Mechanics
3 AyUG-KS Kriya Sharira Human Physiology
4 AyUG-RS Rachana Sharira Human Anatomy
5 AyUG-SA1 Samhita Adhyayan-1 Study of Ayurveda Classical Text
6 Electives (Minimum Three) subjects
Scheme of Assessment (Formative and Summative)
Professional Course
Duration of Professional Course
First Term
(1-6 Months)
Second Term
(7-12 Months)
Third Term
(13-18 Months)
1 First Professional B.A.M.S. 3 PA and First TT 3 PA and Second TT 3 PA and UE
PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations
Number of Papers and Marks Distribution for First Professional B.A.M.S. Subjects
(Number of Papers and Marks Distribution for First Professional B.A.M.S. Subjects)
Subject Code
Practical or Clinical Assessment
Grand Total
Practical/ Clinical Viva Electives IA Sub Total
1. AyUG-SN & AI 2 200 75* 10 (Set-FA) 15 100 300
2. AyUG-PV 2 200 100 60 10 (Set-FB) 30 200 400
3. AyUG-KS 2 200 100 70 30 200 400
4. AyUG-RS 2 200 100 70 30 200 400
5. AyUG-SA1 1 100 75 10 (Set-FC) 15 100 200
Grand Total 1700
*Viva voce examination shall be for Sanskrit and not for Ayurved Ithihasa (Set-FA, FB, FC – sets of Electives for First Professional B.A.M.S.)

(a) (i)The First Professional examination shall ordinarily be held and completed by the end of First professional session;
(ii) the student who failed in one or two subjects of First Professional shall be allowed to keep terms of the Second Professional session and to appear in Second Professional examination;
(iii) the student who failed in more than two subjects shall not be allowed to keep term in Second Professional session and the subsequent supplementary examination of First Professional shall be held at every six months.
(b) There shall be no separate class for odd batch student (those students who could not keep the term) and the student has to attend the class along with regular batch or with junior batch as
(e) To become eligible for joining the Compulsory Rotatory Internship programme, all three professional examinations shall be passed and qualified in nine electives within a period of maximum ten years from the date of admission.
(f) The theory examination shall have twenty per cent. marks for Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), forty per cent. marks for Short Answer Questions (SAQ) and forty per cent. marks for Long Explanatory Answer Questions (LAQ) and these questions shall cover the entire syllabus of the subject.
(g) The minimum marks required for passing the examination shall be fifty per cent. intheorycomponent and fifty percent in practicalcomponent (that include practical, clinical, viva-voce, internal assessment and electives wherever applicable) separately in each subject.

Summative Assessment.-

(i) Final university examinations conducted at the end of each professional B.A.M.S. shall be the Summative Assessment.
(ii) There shall be double valuation system and shall be no provision for revaluation.
(iii) There shall be two examiner (one internal and one external) for university practical/clinical/viva voca examinations.
(iv) While declaring the results of Summative Assessment, Internal Assessment component and Elective marks shall be considered as per the distribution of marks pattern provided in Tables 11, 13 & 15

Formative Assessment.-

Students shall be assessed periodically to assess their performance in the class, determine the understanding of programme material and their learning outcome in the following manner, namely:-
(i) Periodical Assessment shall be carried out at the end of teaching of a topic or module or a particular portion of syllabus and the evaluation methods as per the following table may be adopted as suits to the content, namely:

Sl. No. Evaluation Method
1. Practical / Clinical Performance
2. Viva Voce, MCQs, MEQ (Modified Essay Questions/Structured Questions)
3. Open Book Test (Problem Based)
4. Summary Writing (Research Papers/ Samhitas)
5. Class Presentations; Work Book Maintenance
6. Problem Based Assignment
7. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), Objective Structured Practical Examination (OPSE), Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX), Direct Observation of Procedures (DOP), Case Based Discussion (CBD)
8. Extra-curricular Activities, (Social Work, Public Awareness, Surveillance Activities, Sports or Other Activities which may be decided by the department).
9. Small Project;

(ii) (a) internal evaluation shall be conducted by the College and Institute at the end of six months (First Term Test) for thirty per cent. of the syllabus and at twelve months (Second Term Test) for forty per cent. new part of the syllabus.
(b) The remaining thirty per cent. of syllabus shall be completed in the last six months (Third Term) before university examination;
(iii) there shall be minimum three periodical assessments for each subject before First Term Test (ordinarily at 6th month of respective professional B.A.M.S.) minimum of three periodical assessment before Second Term Test (ordinarily at 12th month of respective professional B.A.M.S.) and minimum of three periodical assessments before final university examinations (Summative Assessment) of respective professional B.A.M.S.

Migration of student during the study.-

(1) The students may be allowed to take the migration to continue their study to another college after passing the First Professional examination, but failed student’s transfer and mid-term migration shall not be allowed.
(2) For migration, the students shall have to obtain the mutual consent of both colleges and universities and it shall be against the vacant seat.

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