Ayurved Studies

Atyaikachikitsa (AyUG-EM) NCISM Syllabus Download – Third (Final) Professional BAMS Subject

Subjects for Third (Final) Professional B.A.M.S.

  1. Atyaikachikitsa (AyUG-EM)
    • Equivalent Terms: Emergency Medicine
    • Description: Introduces the principles and practices related to handling medical emergencies using Ayurvedic knowledge and techniques.
    • Download NCISM Syllabus PDF: 9.NCISM_IIIBAMS_AyUG-EM

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Emergency treatment in Ayurveda, while rooted in ancient wisdom, is an essential component of contemporary Ayurvedic education and practice. The Ashtanga Hridaya and Brihat Trayee texts underscore Ayurveda’s potential in managing life-threatening conditions such as severe dehydration, head injuries, cardiac emergencies, and coma. Despite the strides in modern emergency medicine, gaps remain that Ayurvedic principles can help address, particularly for certain patient demographics where conventional approaches may be limited.

The syllabus designed for Ayurveda graduates aims to build a robust foundation in both the theory and practice of emergency care using Ayurvedic principles, complemented by relevant modern medical techniques. This includes structured training that emphasizes the mastery of initial emergency management strategies within an Ayurvedic framework.

The curriculum integrates theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on training and substantial clinical exposure. This approach ensures that students not only understand but are also able to apply Ayurvedic methods effectively in emergency situations. By equipping students with these critical skills, the program aims to produce competent practitioners capable of integrating Ayurvedic and contemporary medical approaches to confidently and expertly handle emergency conditions, enhancing the overall effectiveness of healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

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