Ayurved Studies


KRIYA SHARIRA (HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY) – FIRST PROFESSIONAL BAMS Kriya Sharir (Human Physiology) is an important subject of the BAMS program for the undergraduate students of Ayurveda. The term sharir means ‘in the sharir’ or ‘related to the sharir’ thus Sharir Kriya deals with the study of the human body concerning its physiological norms i.e., the functioning of the human body in its normal state. This subject refers to the physiology and biochemistry of contemporary medical science.

The swasthya of an individual is based on 3 pillars of the body i.e., dosha, dhatu & mala. Kriya Sharir subject mainly deals with these 3 pillars. The basic concepts, knowledge, and applicability of Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), Sapta Dhatus (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Shukra), and Trimala (Mutra, Purish, Sweda) are very important in the critical understanding of the disease. Kriya Sharir also deals with Prakriti, Strotas, Kostha, Agni, Oja, Mana, Aahar (Basic principles of food), shatkriyakal, the system-wise study of contemporary science, senses function and dysfunction, etc. All these fundamental topics are essential for the proper understanding of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis of disease, and its management which will be covered in para-clinical and clinical subjects.

List of Topics (Paper I)
PART-A (Marks-60)

Ch. 1 Sharir:

  • Definition and synonyms of term Kriya, Sharir & Shaarir. Description of Sharir Dosha and Manasa Dosha. Mutual relationship between Triguna-Tridosha & Panchmahabhuta.

Ch. 2 Basic principles of Ayurveda:

  • Dosha dhatu mala mulam hi shariram. Description of basics of Srotas

Ch. 3. Tridosha:

  • General description of Tridosha. Inter relationship between Ritu-Dosha-Rasa- Guna. Biological rhythms of Tridosha on the basis of day-night-age-season and food intake. Role of Dosha in the formation of Prakriti of an individual and in maintaining of health. Prakrita and Vaikrita Dosha.

Ch. 4. Vata Dosha:

  • Vyutpatti (derivation), Nirukti (etymology) of the term Vata, general locations, general properties and general functions of Vata, five types of Vata (Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana, Apana) with their specific locations, specific properties, and specific functions.

Ch. 5. Pitta Dosha:

  • Vyutpatti, Nirukti of the term Pitta, general locations, general properties and general functions of Pitta, five types of Pitta (Pachaka, Ranjaka, Alochaka, Bhrajaka, Sadhaka) with their specific locations, specific properties, and specific functions. Similarities and differences between Agni and Pitta.

Ch. 6. Kapha Dosha:

  • Vyutpatti, Nirukti of the term Kapha, general locations, general properties and general functions of Kapha, five types of Kapha (Bodhaka, Avalambaka, Kledaka, Tarpaka, Śleshaka) with their specific locations, specific properties, and specific functions.

Ch. 7. Dosha Vriddhi-Kshaya:

  • Etiological factors responsible for Dosha Vriddhi, Dosha Kshaya and their manifestations.

Ch. 8. Kriyakala:

  • Concept of Kriyakala, applied physiology of diseases produced due the vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha.

Ch. 9 Prakriti:

  • Deha- Prakriti: Vyutpatti, Nirukti, various definitions and synonyms for the term “Prakriti‟. Intra-uterine and extra- uterine factors influencing Deha-Prakriti, classification and characteristic features of each kind of Deha-Prakriti.
    Manasa- Prakriti: Introduction and types of Manasa- Prakriti

Ch. 10. Ahara:

  • Definition, classification and significance of Ahara,Ahara-vidhi-vidhana, Ashta Aharavidhi Viseshayatana, Ahara Parinamkar Bhava.

Ch. 11. Agni:

  • Definition and importance, synonyms, classification, location, properties and functions of Agni and functions of Jatharagni, Bhutagni, and Dhatvagni.

Ch. 12. Aharapaka (Process of digestion):

  • Description of Annavaha Srotas and their Mula. Description of Avasthapaka (Madhura, Amla and Katu). Description of Nishthapaka (Vipaka) and its classification. Role of Grahani & Pittadhara Kala. Separation of Sara and Kitta. Absorption of Sara. Genesis of Vata-Pitta-Kapha during Aharapaka process. Definition of the term Koshtha. Classification of Koshtha and the characteristics of each type of Koshtha.
PART-B (Marks-40)

Ch. 1 Physiology Homeostasis:

  • Definition and mechanisms of maintenance of homeostasis. Cell physiology. Membrane physiology. Transportation of various substances across cell membrane. Resting membrane potential and action potential. Acid-base balance, water and electrolyte balance. Study of basic components of food.

Ch. 2 Physiology of Respiratory system:

  • functional anatomy of respiratory system. Definition of ventilation, mechanism of respiration, exchange and transport of gases, neural and chemical control of respiration, artificial respiration, asphyxia, hypoxia. Introduction to Pulmonary Function Tests.

Ch. 3 Physiology of Gastrointestinal system:

  • Functional anatomy of gastro-intestinal tract, mechanism of secretion and composition of different digestive juices. Functions of salivary glands, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine in the process of digestion and absorption. Movements of the gut (deglutition, peristalsis, defecation) and their control. Enteric nervous system. Digestion and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vitamins & Minerals- sources, daily requirement, functions, manifestations of hypo and hypervitaminosis.

Ch. 4 Physiology of Nervous System:

  • General introduction to nervous system, neurons, mechanism of propagation of nerve impulse, physiology of CNS, PNS, ANS; physiology of sensory and motor nervous system, Functions of different parts of brain, intelligence, memory, learning and
    motivation. Physiology of sleep and dreams, EEG. Physiology of speech and articulation. Physiology of temperature regulation.

Ch. 5 Physiology of Endocrine glands:

  • General introduction to endocrine system, classification and characteristics of hormones, physiology of all endocrine glands, their functions and their effects.
List of Topics (Paper I)
PART-A (Marks-60)

Ch. 1 Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, definition, general introduction of term Dhatu, different theories related to Dhatuposhana (Dhatuposhana Nyaya)

Ch. 2 Rasa Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Rasa-dhatu. Physiology of Rasavaha Srotas, Formation of Rasa Dhatu from Aahara Rasa, circulation of Rasa (Rasa-Samvahana), role of Vyana Vayu and Samana Vayu in Rasa Samvahana. Description of functioning of Hridaya. Ashtavidha Sara, characteristics of Tvakasara Purusha, conceptual study of Aashraya-Aashrayi Bhaava and its relation to Rasa and Kapha. Manifestations of kshaya and Vriddhi of Rasa

Ch. 3. Rakta Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties, functions and Praman of Rakta Dhatu. Panchabhautikatva of Rakta Dhatu, physiology of Raktavaha Srotas, formation of Raktadhatu, Ranjana of Rasa by Ranjaka Pitta, features of Shuddha Rakta, specific functions of Rakta, characteristics of Raktasara Purusha, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Raktadhatu, mutual interdependence of Rakta and Pitta.

Ch. 4. Mamsa Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties and functions of Mamsa Dhatu, physiology of Mamsavaha Srotas, formation of Mamsa Dhatu, characteristics of Mamsasara Purusha, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Mamsa Dhatu, Concept of Peshi.

Ch. 5. Meda Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Meda Dhatu, physiology of Medovaha Srotas, formation of Medo Dhatu, characteristics of Medasara Purusha and manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Meda.

Ch. 6. Asthi Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties, functions of Asthi Dhatu. Number of Asthi. Physiology of Asthivaha Srotas and formation of Asthi Dhatu, characteristics of Asthisara Purusha, mutual interdependence of Vata and Asthi Dhatu, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Asthi Dhatu.

Ch. 7. Majja Dhatu :

  • Etymology, derivation, types, location, properties, functions and Praman of Majjaa Dhatu, physiology of Majjavaha Srotas, formation of Majja Dhatu, characteristics of Majja Sara Purusha, relation of Kapha, Pitta, Rakta and Majja, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Majja Dhatu.

Ch. 8. Shukra Dhatu:

  • Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Shukra Dhatu, physiology of Shukraravaha Srotas and formation of Shukra Dhatu. Features of Shuddha Shukra, characteristics of Shukra
    -Sara Purusha, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Shukra Dhatu.

Ch. 9 Concept of Ashraya-Ashrayi bhava

  • i.e. inter-relationship among Dosha, Dhatu Mala and Srotas. Applied physiology of diseases asserting saptadhatu enlisted under dhatu pradoshaj vikar.

Ch. 10. Ojas:

  • Etymological derivation, definition, formation, location, properties, Praman, classification and functions of Ojas. Description of Vyadhikshamatva. Bala Vriddhikara Bhava. Classification of Bala. Etiological factors and manifestations of Ojavisramsa, Vyapat and Kshaya.

Ch. 11. Upadhatu:

  • General introduction, etymological derivation and definition of the term Upadhatu. Formation, nourishment, properties, location and functions of each Upadhatu.
  • Stanya: Characteristic features and methods of assessing Shuddha and Dushita Stanya, manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshaya of Stanya
  • Artava: Characteristic features of Shuddha and Dushita Artava. Differences between Raja and Artava, physiology of Artavavaha Srotas.
  • Tvak: classification, thickness of layer and functions.

Ch. 12. Mala:

  • Etymological derivation and definition of the term Mala. Aharamala: Enumeration and description of the process of formation of Aharamala.
  • Purisha: Etymological derivation, definition, formation, properties, quantity and functions of Purisha. Physiology of Purishavaha Srotas, manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Purisha.
  • Mutra: Etymological derivation, definition, formation,
    properties, quantity and functions of Mutra. Physiology of Mutravaha Srotas, physiology of urine formation in Ayurveda, manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Mutra.
  • Sveda: Etymological derivation, definition, formation and functions of Sveda. Manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshaya of Sveda. Discription of Svedvaha Srotas
  • Dhatumala: Brief description of each type of Dhatumala.

Ch. 13 Indriya vidnyan:

  • Physiological description of Panchagyaanendriya and physiology of perception of Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha. Physiological description of Karmendriya.

Ch. 14 Manas:

  • Properties, functions and objects of Manas. Physiology of Manovaha Srotas.

Ch.15 Atma:

  • Properties of Atma. difference between Paramatma and Jivatma; Characteristic features of existence of Atma in living body.

Ch. 16 Nidra & Swapna:

  • Nidrotpatti, types of Nidra, physiological and clinical significance of Nidra; Svapnotpatti and types of Svapna.
PART-B (Marks-40)

Ch. 1 Haemopoetic system:

  • composition, functions of blood and blood cells, Haemopoiesis (stages and development of RBCs, and WBCs and platelets), composition and functions of bone marrow, structure, types and functions of haemoglobin, mechanism of blood clotting, anticoagulants, physiological basis of blood groups, plasma proteins, introduction to anaemia and jaundice.

Ch. 2 Immunity:

  • classification of immunity: Innate, acquired and artificial. Different mechanisms involved in immunity: Humoral (B-cell mediated) and T-Cell mediated immunity. Hypersensitivity.

Ch. 3 Physiology of cardio-vascular system:

  • Functional anatomy of cardiovascular system. Cardiac cycle. Heart sounds. Regulation of cardiac output and venous return. Physiological basis of ECG. Heart-rate and its regulation. Arterial pulse. Systemic arterial blood pressure and its control.

Ch. 4 Muscle physiology:

  • comparison of physiology of skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles and smooth muscles. Physiology of muscle contraction.

Ch. 5 Adipose tissue:

  • lipoproteins like VLDL, LDL and HDL triglycerides. Functions of skin, sweat glands and sebaceous glands.

Ch. 6 Physiology of male and female reproductive systems:

  • Description of ovulation, spermatogenesis, oogenesis,
    menstrual cycle.

Ch. 7 Physiology of Excretion:

  • functional anatomy of urinary tract, functions of kidney. Mechanism of formation of urine, control of micturition. Formation of faeces and mechanism of defecation.

Ch. 8 Special Senses, Sleep and Dreams:

  • Physiology of special senses. physiology of sleep and dreams
Number of papers and Marks  
Subject Code AyUG-KS
Papers 2
Theory 200
Practical/Clinical Assessment
Viva 70
IA 30
Grand Total 400
Scheme of Assessment
Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative)
First Term (1-6 Months) 3 PA & First TT
Second Term (7-12 Months) 3 PA & Second TT
Third Term (13-18 Months) 3 PA & UE
PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations
Paper Layout

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory TOTAL MARKS 100.

Type Number of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Q 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) 20 1 20
Q 2 Short answer questions (SAQ) 8 5 40
Q 3 Long answer questions (LAQ) 4 10 40
Disribution of Theory Exam :-
Paper I
Part-A (Marks-60)
Type of Questions
“Yes” can be asked.
“No” should not be asked.
A List of Topics AyUG-KS B
(1 Mark)
(5 Marks)
(10 Marks)
1 Sharir: I
Yes Yes No
2 Basic principles of Ayurveda: I Yes Yes No
3. Tridosha: I Yes Yes No
4. Vata Dosha: I
Yes Yes Yes
5. Pitta Dosha: I Yes Yes Yes
6. Kapha Dosha: II Yes Yes Yes
7. Dosha Vriddhi-Kshaya: II Yes Yes No
8. Kriyakala: II Yes Yes No
9 Prakriti:
Deha- Prakriti:
Manasa- Prakriti:
Yes Yes Yes
10. Ahara: III Yes Yes Yes
11. Agni: III Yes Yes Yes
12. Aharapaka III Yes Yes Yes
Part-B (Marks-40)
1 Physiology Homeostasis: I
Yes Yes Yes
2 Physiology of Respiratory system: II Yes Yes Yes
3 Physiology of Gastrointestinal system: II Yes Yes Yes
4 Physiology of Nervous System: III
Yes Yes Yes
5 Physiology of Endocrine glands: III Yes Yes Yes
Paper II
PART-A (Marks-60)
Type of Questions
“Yes” can be asked.
“No” should not be asked.
A List of Topics AyUG-KS B
(1 Mark)
(5 Marks)
LAQ (10
Part-A (Marks-60)
1 Dhatu: I
Yes Yes No
2 Rasa Dhatu: I Yes Yes Yes
3. Rakta Dhatu:. I Yes Yes Yes
4. Mamsa Dhatu: I Yes Yes Yes
5. Meda Dhatu: I Yes Yes Yes
6. Asthi Dhatu: II
Yes Yes Yes
7. Majja Dhatu : II Yes Yes Yes
8. Shukra Dhatu: II Yes Yes Yes
9 Concept of Ashraya-Ashrayi bhava II Yes Yes No
10. Ojas: II Yes Yes Yes
11. Upadhatu: Stanya: Artava:
Yes Yes Yes
12. Mala: Purisha: Mutra:
Sveda: Dhatumala:
III Yes Yes Yes
13 Indriya vidnyan: III Yes Yes Yes
14 Manas: III Yes Yes Yes
15 Atma: III Yes Yes No
16 Nidra & Swapna: III Yes Yes No
Part-B (Marks-40)
1 Haemopoetic system: I
Yes Yes Yes
2 Immunity: I Yes Yes No
3 Physiology of cardio-vascular system: I Yes Yes Yes
4 Muscle physiology: II
Yes Yes No
5 Adipose tissue: II Yes Yes No
6 Physiology of male and female reproductive II
Yes Yes Yes
7 Physiology of Excretion: III Yes Yes Yes
8 Special Senses, Sleep and Dreams: III Yes Yes Yes
Distribution of Practical Exam
Distribution of Practical Exam
(Practical 100 +Viva 70+ IA 30) = (Total 200 Marks)
SN Heads Topic Marks
A Practical
1 Spotting Spotting (including two problem-based test)
1. Histology slide
2. ECG report (counting heart rate etc.)
3. Blood report (normal-abnormal values and significance)
4. Photograph of prakriti character.
5. Problem based sara/agni parikshan.
6. Case of vrudhhi kshay lakshan.
7. Aplicability of one spot used in haematological practical.
8. Identify the difference between two things & use.
9. Model based
10. Human experiment related
10 Marks
2 Ayu. Practical Performance based components. (Take only one practical separately OR make combination of few components of more than one practical)
Ayurveda practical –
Prakriti parikshana (Self / volunteer / patients)
40 Marks
Sara parikshana
Agni & koshtha parikshana Dosha vrddhi-kshaya lakshana/ Dhatu vriddhi -kshaya Lakshana
3 Lab. Practical Laboratory practical
(Hb, BT, CT, Blood group, Urine exam) Human physiology
practical (pulse examination, BP, heart sounds, reflexes)
30 Marks
4 Project work Project work (Activity based) 10 Marks
5 Practical
Practical Record 10 Marks
Total 100 Marks
B Viva Voce General viva voce based on Ayurveda (20), Viva on instruments (20),
Structured viva on Part B (refer Table 2)(10),
Recitation of verses (15), and Communication skill (5)
70 Marks
C IA Internal Assessment 30 Marks
Total Marks 200 Marks

Thank you 😊

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