Ayurved Studies

Dravyaguna Vigyan BAMS 2nd Year New NCISM Syllabus All Details

BAMS – 2nd Year
SUBJECT – Dravyaguna Vigyan

Subject Code : AyUG-DG

Fundamentals of Dravyaguna involves a thorough knowledge of various principles and concepts of Rasapanchaka (fivefold analysis of medicinal substances) and Karma (pharmacological action). It refers to classical Ayurvedic texts, provides suitable examples, and includes contemporary interpretations to facilitate better understanding.Most commonly used dravyas by clinicians are included in curriculum.

The current syllabus focuses greater emphasis on understanding the fundamentals with a scientific interpretation and clinical application. The repetitive topics such as Ahara varga, Nighantu, and Jangama dravyas is avoided since they are covered in Samhita adhyayana (study of classical texts), Itihasa (history), and ethical considerations related to the clinical use of animal-origin drugs.

Additionally, newer areas in Ayurveda related to medicinal plants, such as cultivation techniques, collection methods, and various regulatory guidelines from organizations like NMPB (National Medicinal Plants Board), CCRAS (Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences), API (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India), GCTM (Global Centre for Traditional Medicine), PCIMH (Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy), pharmacovigilance, Vrikshayurveda (science of plant life), Ethno medicine, Network pharmacology, and Bioinformatics, have been incorporated. This information is crucial for the sustainable use of medicinal plants and a better understanding of their properties.

1. Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)

 Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)

Item Theory Component Marks Practical Component Marks
Practical Viva Elective IA
Paper I 100  







Paper II 100
Sub-Total 200 200
Total marks 400

2. Number of Papers and Marks Distribution

Subject Code Papers Theory Practical/Clinical Assessment
Practical Viva Elective IA Sub Total Grand Total
AyUG- DG 2 200 100 70 30 200 400

3. Question Paper Pattern

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory

Number of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Similar for Paper II

4. Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative)

First Term (1-6 Months) Second Term (7-12 Months) Third Term (13-18 Months)
Second 3 PA & First TT 3 PA & Second TT 3 PA & UE
PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations

5. Calculation Method for Internal assessment Marks






A 4 B C D E F G H
1 (15


2 (15


3 (15


Average (A+B+C/ 3) Converted to 30 Marks (D/15*30) Term Test (Marks converted to 30) Sub Total



Term Ass essment (…./30)
Final IA Average of Three Term Assessment Marks as Shown in ‘H’ Column.
Maximum Marks in Parentheses
*Select an Evaluation Method which is appropriate for the objectives of Topics from the Table 6 D for Periodic assessment. Conduct 15 marks assessment and enter marks in A, B, and C. ** Conduct Theory (100 Marks)(MCQ(20*1 Marks), SAQ(8*5), LAQ(4*10)) and Practical (100 Marks) Then convert to 30 marks.

6. Distribution of theory examination 

Paper 1 Fundamental Dravyaguna
Sr. No A List of Topics B Term C Marks  MCQ (1 Mark)  SAQ (5 Marks)  LAQ (10 Marks)
1 1.Dravyaguna Vigyana 1 1 Yes No No
2 2.Dravya 1 6 Yes Yes No
3 3. Guna 1 11 Yes No Yes
4 4. Rasa 1 11 Yes No Yes
5 5. Vipaka 1 6 Yes Yes No
6 6. Virya 1 6 Yes Yes No
7 7. Prabhava 1 5 No Yes No
8 8. Interrelation of Rasa-Guna-Virya-Vipaka- Prabhava 1 1 Yes No No
9 9. Karma 1 11 Yes No Yes
10 10. Karmas of Dashemani Gana 1 5 No Yes No
11 11. Principles of General Pharmacology 3 20 Yes Yes Yes
12 12. Mishraka Gana 3 6 Yes Yes No
13 13. Nomenclature of dravya as per Nighantu, Vedic taxonomy and Botany 3 1 Yes No No
14 14. Prashasta Bheshaja, Bheshaja Pariksha and drug evaluation method with correlation as per Pharmacognosy 3 1 Yes No No
15 15. Dravyasangrahana and Drug collection methods as per GFCP (Good Field collection practices) 3 1 Yes No No
16 16. GCP (Good cultivation practices), seed bank, conservation of medicinal plants, knowledge about RET (Rear, Endangered & Threatened ) medicinal plants. 3 1 Yes No No
17 17. Abhava Pratinidhi Dravya (substitutes) 3 1 Yes No No
18 18. Classifications and techniques of aqueous and alcoholic extracts 3 1 Yes No No
19 19. Adverse drug reaction and Pharmacovigilance with recent updates 3 1 Yes No No
20 20. NMPB (National Medicinal Plant Board), CCRAS (Central Council of Research in Ayurveda Sciences), API ( Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India), GCTM ( Global Centre for Traditional Medicine), PCIMH ( Pharmacopeia Commission of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy) 3 1 Yes No No
21 21. Vrikshayurveda and Ethno-medicine 3 1 Yes No No
22 22. Network pharmacology and Bioinformatics 3 2 Yes No No
Total Marks 100
Paper 2 Applied Dravyaguna
Sr. No A List of Topics B Term C Marks  MCQ (1 Mark)  SAQ (5 Marks)  LAQ (10 Marks)
23 1. Bheshajavacharaniya (Criteria’s to be considered for selection of drugs in vyadhis) 2 5 Yes No No
24 2.1 Dravya (Drug) Nama-Guna-Karma Jnana 2 55 Yes Yes Yes
25 2.2 Dravya (Drugs) Nama -Guna-Karma- Jnana 3 40 Yes Yes Yes
Total Marks 100

7. Distribution of Practical Exam

S.No Heads Marks
1 1) 15 dry & 15 wet sample dravya spotting test- 30 minutesTest should include at least one each from Leaf, Stem, Root, Rhizome,Gall, Flower, Fruit , Seed, Bark & Resin. 30
2 2) Skill based assessment –There shall be three components in skill assessment
 A.  Identify and separate Grahya & Agrahya of given sample- 10 minutes
 B.  Identifying and grouping of drugs of given Mishraka Gana- 10 minutes
 C.  Understand the clinical scenario and identify five suitable single drug- 10 minutes
 Spotting stations are to be numbered as per the batch. Each spotting station contain: A. Mixture of Grahya & Agrahya B. Name of Misraka Gana and C. Clinical Scenario. Students are allotted with the spotting station by lottery method.
 Arrangement of Spotting Stations:
 A.  Identify and separate Grahya & Agrahya of Given Sample: Sufficient quantity (approximately 20 gm of Vidanga & Maricha ) of mixture of Grahya and Agrahya dravya to be provided. There shall be two empty bowels each one labelled as ‘Grahya’ and ‘Agrahya’. Students are asked to separate the given sample into Grahya and Agrahya. There shall be different drugs for each station.
 B.  Identifying and grouping of drugs of given Misraka Gana: Each station shall contain one label containing name of the Misraka Gana with question ‘Recollect the drugs belonging to the given Misraka Gana, identify those drugs, collect and make a group. There shall be empty bowl of sufficient size as per the given Gana for collection of drugs.
 C.  Understand the clinical scenario and identify five suitable 5 single drugs: Provide the clinical scenario in not less than 100 words and not more than 200 words with or without investigation reports shall be provided at each spotting station (preferably separate cases for each station). Students are asked to go through the scenario and understand the clinical conditions , select 1 single drug, identify, collect and place it in the bowl given for the same. Select five suitable drugs and write as per preference base.
3 3.  QC practical (30 minutes)-Performance based components
 3.1.  Comparison Macroscopic evaluation of one genuine and oneadulterant sample -10 marks- 15 minutes
3.2 Panchamahabhoutikatwa assessment by parametric measures by pH of a given sample phant/ Kwatha – ( Concern drug Phant / Kwatha should be prepared by college for pH analysis )- 10 marks – 15 minutes
3.3 Panchabhaoutikatwa assessment by parametric measures by Specific Gravity of a given sample Phat/ Kwatha (Concern drug Phant/ Kwatha should be prepared by college for Specific Gravity)- 20 marks- 30 minutes
4 4.  Viva voce (10 minutes per student)Questions should be asked on following topics –
 1.  Fundamentals (Dravya, Guna, Rasa, Vipaka, Veerya & Prabhav)- 3 questions- 15 marks
2.  Karmas, Dashemani, Mishrak Gana- 3 questions- 15 marks3.  Pharmacology & Network pharmacology- 3 questions- 15 marks
4. Clinical application of drugs- 3 questions – 15 marks
5.  Viva on practical records -06 marks
6.  Communication skill (4 marks )
5 5. Internal Assessment 30
Total Marks 200

Practical sessions in Dravyaguna focus on understanding fundamental concepts such as Mahabhuta (five elements), Guna (properties), Rasa (taste), and Virya (potency) with Parameters commonly used in physicochemical analysis.The curriculum also addresses challenges faced by the herbal drug industry, including the issue of adulteration, by incorporating quality check parameters. Furthermore, the students gain practical experience in plant identification through visits to various natural and cultivated plant habitats.

The revised curriculum for Dravyaguna reflects commitment to equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of Ayurvedic pharmacology. Hope that this curriculum will inspire and empower students to become proficient Ayurvedic practitioners who can contribute to the holistic well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

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