Ayurved Studies

Roga Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan BAMS 2nd Year New NCISM Syllabus All Detail

BAMS – 2nd Year
SUBJECT – Roga Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan
Subject Code : AyUG-RN

Roganidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan is a subject that gives emphasis on Ayurveda and contemporary Diagnostics and Pathology. It is a key subject that trains the students to apply knowledge of fundamental principles of Ayurveda to practice by understanding diseases, patient interaction, drawing diagnosis, and prognosis. This is a strong base to frame an appropriate treatment protocol.

The curriculum is framed with a vision for developing the diagnostic knowledge and skills of a student abiding by a patient-centric education. Activty-based training has been inculcated throughout the curriculum to improve the dexterity of a student in handling real-life scenarios in the journey of reaching a diagnosis. The anatomy and physiology learned in an apparently healthy individual from the first professional year is continued in the second professional year with knowledge regarding morbid reflections in the mind and body through this subject.

1. Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)


Examination (Papers & Mark Distribution)

Item Theory Component Marks Practical Component Marks
Practical Viva Elective IA
Paper I 100  







Paper II 100
Sub-Total 200 200
Total marks 400

2. Number of Papers and Marks Distribution

Subject Code Papers Theory Practical/Clinical Assessment
Practical Viva Elective IA Sub Total Grand Total
AyUG-AT 2 200 100 70 30 200 400

3. Question Paper Pattern

PAPER-1, 2
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions compulsory

Number of Questions Marks per question Total Marks

4. Scheme of Assessment (formative and Summative)

First Term (1-6 Months) Second Term (7-12 Months) Third Term (13-18 Months)
Second 3 PA & First TT 3 PA & Second TT 3 PA & UE
PA: Periodical Assessment; TT: Term Test; UE: University Examinations

5. Calculation Method for Internal assessment Marks






A 4 B C D E F G H
1 (15


2 (15


3 (15


Average (A+B+C/ 3) Converted to 30 Marks (D/15*30) Term Test (Marks converted to 30) Sub Total



Term Ass essment (…./30)
Final IA Average of Three Term Assessment Marks as Shown in ‘H’ Column.
Maximum Marks in Parentheses
*Select an Evaluation Method which is appropriate for the objectives of Topics from the Table 6 D for Periodic assessment. Conduct 15 marks assessment and enter marks in A, B, and C. ** Conduct Theory (100 Marks)(MCQ(20*1 Marks), SAQ(8*5), LAQ(4*10)) and Practical (100 Marks) Then convert to 30 marks.

6. Distribution of theory examination 

Paper 1st Topics
Sr. No A List of Topics B Term C Marks
1 1. Roga nidana – Pathophysiology and clinical diagnosis 1 43
2 2. Pareeksha 1
3 3. Methods of Rogi pareeksha 1
4 4. Sapeksha nidana – Vyavacchedaka nidana 1
5 5. Upashaya/ Anupashaya 1
6 6. Dosha Vikriti 1
7 7. Doshagati and Rogamarga 1
8 8. Srotodushti 1
9 9. Concept of Ama 1
10 10. Assessment of Ama 1
11 11. Sthana samshraya – Poorvaroopa 1 49


12 12. Dushya dushti 1
13 13. Samprapti 1
14 14. Rupa 1
15 15. Vyadhinamakarana 1
16 16. Vyadhi 1
17 17. Ashtanindita (Endocrine disorders) 1
18 18. Janapadodhwamsa vikara (Pandemic disorders) 1
19 19. Nidanarthakara Vyadhi, Vyadhisankara 1
20 20. Vyadhikshamatva 1
21 21. Rogi bala Pareeksha 1
22 22. Dhatu Paka 1
23 23. Infection and Nutritional disorders 1 8
24 24. Upadrava 2
25 25. Arishta 2
26 26. Vyadhi bala pareeksha 2
27 27. Sadhyasadhyatva – Prognosis 2
28 28. Digital health and Artificial intelligence in the context of Roganidana 2
Total Marks 100
 Paper 2nd Topics
Sr. No A List of Topics B Term C Marks
29 1. Agnimandya – Ajeerna, Anaha, Adhmana, Atopa 2 43
30 2. Chhardi 2
31 3. Amlapitta 2
32 4. Shoola 2
33 5. Atisara, and Pravahika 2
34 6. Grahani 2
35 7. Visuchika, Alasaka, Vilambika 2
36 8. Common GIT diseases 2
37 9. Mutrakrichhra 2
38 10. Mutraghata 2
39 11. Common Urinary diseases 2
40 12. Hikka 2
41 13. Shwasa 2
42 14. Kasa 2
43 15. Rajayakshma & Shosha 2
44 16. Common lung disorders 2
45 17. Jwara 2
46 18. Masurika – Romantika 2
47 19. Fever 2
48 20. Pandu 2
49 21. Raktapitta 2 25
50 22. Hematopoietic diseases 2
51 23. Hridroga 2
52 24. Shotha 2
53 25. Cardiovascular disorders 2
54 26. Kamala 2
55 27. Udara Roga 2
56 28. Hepatobiliary diseases 2
57 29. Kushtha – Maha Kushtha & Kshudra Kushtha (According to Charaka) 3
58 30. Sheetapitta 3
59 31. Shwitra 3
60 32. Visarpa 3
61 33. Skin diseases 3
62 34. Galaganda 3
63 35. Thyroid disorders 3
64 36. Sthoulya – Karshya 3 32



65 37. Obesity 3
66 38. Prameha 3
67 39. Diabetes Mellitus and Pancreatitis 3
68 40. Vatavyadhi 3
69 41. Snayugata vata 3
70 42. Common neurologic and spine disorders 3
71 43. Sandhigatavata and Asthi majja gata vata 3
72 44. Diseases of bone, joints, and muscles 3
73 45. Amavata 3
74 46. Vatarakta 3
75 47. Immunological & Metabolic disorders 3
76 48. Klaibya & Vandhyatva 3
77 49. Sexual dysfunction and Infertility 3
78 50. Unmada & Apasmara 3
79 51. Vishada 3
80 52. Murchha, and Sanyasa 3
81 53. Common Psychiatric diseases 3
82 54. Phiranga and Upadamsha 3
83 55. Syphilis & Gonorrhoea 3
84 56. Krimiroga 3
85 57. Clinical presentation of common parasitic disorders 3
86 58. Khalitya & Palitya 3
87 59. Shleepada 3
88 60. Tuberculosis 3
Total Marks 100

7. Distribution of Practical Exam

S.No Heads Marks
1 Spotting/ Identification: (10 Questions X 3 Marks = 30 Marks): (Note: Minimum of one spotting should be kept mandatorily from all the different heads mentioned below)
 X-Ray/ECG/ Clinical sign picture/ Slide/ Diagnostic report/ Causative factors
X-Ray (Assessment format):
 On a given X-Ray film (Any of the below):
 •  Comment on inspiration and rotation (chest), position, penetration or exposure, and artifacts in a given X-Ray film
•  Find out the abnormal findings or sign that indicates a specific condition (By assessing size, shape, density, and location of structures) – Airway/ Bones and soft tissue/ Cardiac/ Diaphragm/ Effusion/ Gastric bubble/ Hila and mediastinum)
ECG (Assessment format):
On a given Electro Cardio Gram (Any of the below):
•      Determine and comment on rhythm and rate (Paper and pencil method/ Caliper method/ 10-times method/ 1500 method)
•      P wave interpretation (Location/ Amplitude/ Duration/ Configuration/ Deflection)
•      PR interval interpretation (Location and duration)
•      QRS complex interpretation (Location/ Amplitude/ Duration/ Configuration/ Deflection)
•      ST segment interpretation (Location and deflection)
•      T wave interpretation (Location/ Amplitude/ Configuration/ Deflection)
Clinical sign/ image or picture (Assessment format):
On a given image of a patient with sign (Any of the below):
•      Identify the sign
•      Possible aetiologies behind the case
•      Possible investigations for further confirmation of a case
•      Differential diagnosis
•      Diagnose the condition or disease associated with the sign
Slide (Assessment format):
Identify and mention the provisional diagnosis of (Any of the below):
•      Haematology (Peripheral blood smear)
•      Histopathology (Lung and trachea/ Blood, Spleen and lymph/ Heart and vessels/ Glands/ Liver)
•      Stool microscopy (Ova, Cyst, Pus cells)
  • Urine microscopy (Epithelial cells, RBCs, Leukocytes, Casts, Crystals)
  • Microbiology (Bacterial identification – Shape, Gram+ve/ Gram –ve)
  • Parasitology (Slide/ Specimen)

Diagnstic report (Assessment format):
Interpret the report and mention the provisional diagnosis (Any of the below):

  • Hemogram
  • Liver Function Test (LFT)
  • Renal Function Test (RFT)
  • Diabetic profile
  • Thyroid profile
  • Lipid profile

Causative factors/ Hetu (Assessment format):
Mention the disease or diseases that are associated with the cause or hetu (Shown as an object/ model/ specimen/ picture) with brief justification (Any of the below):

  • Any specific diet
  • Any specific regimen

Any specific factor mentioned for causing a disease

2 Long Case: History taking, Examination, Investigation (Order and interpretation), Differential Diagnosis, Provisional Diagnosis (1 Case X 40 Marks = 40 Marks)
a.    History taking (Including communication skills) – 10 Marks
History taking should cover the following points:
•      AturaVivara (Basic patient details)
•      Pradhana Vedana with Kala prakarsha (Chief complaints with duration)
•      Vartamana vyadhi vruttant (History of present illness)
•      Poorva vyadhi Vrittanta (Past illness)
•      Kula vruttanta (Family history)
•      Chikitsa Vruttanta (Treatment history)
•      Vayaktika Vruttanta (Personal history) – Ahara, Vihara, Vyasana, Vyayama shakti, Mala pravritti, Mutra pravritti, Raja pravritti, Koshtha, Nature of work and duration of work, Emotional makeup, and Social Relation.
b.    Examination & Order and interpretation of investigations – 20 Marks
The examination should include the following points:
• General examination including Ashtasthana pareeksha
• Systemic examination – Pratyaksha and Anumana Pariksha/ Panchajnanendriyataha Pareeksha (Affected system/ systems), Sroto pareeksha and Mana pareeksha
Investigations should include the following points: •    Ordered investigation to patient
  • Any further comment on the previously ordered investigations and any further suggestions
  • Interpretation of ordered investigation to the relevant case

 c. Differential Diagnosis, Provisional Diagnosis, and Final diagnosis. – 10 Marks

Differential diagnosis and diagnosis (Vyavachedaka nidana and vyadhi vinischaya) should include the following:

  • Group of suspicious diseases based on your knowledge on Ayurveda and contemporary science against your observation on patient
  • Justification for inclusion and exclusion of diseases based on pratyatma lakshana
  • Arriving at a final diagnosis based on the clinical acumen

Drafting the samprapti ghataka (Involvement of dosha, dushya, indriya, manas, agni, koshta, srotas, srotodushti prakara, udbhava sthana, sanchara sthana vyakta sthana, rogamarga, upadrava, arishta, sadhyasadhyata)

3 Demonstration: Clinical examination on the simulator or a patient or Simulated patient (SP) (1 Demonstration X 30 Marks = 30 Marks):
The student will be given a specific case or a scenario (other than the case given for long case taking) and asked to perform the examination of a particular system as a whole or a part of the examination such as inspection or palpation or percussion or auscultation or any specific tests or group of tests or elicit any particular sign for any of the following system (Only steps of examination to be written with observation and interpretation after demonstration):
•      Respiratory system examination
•      Cardiovascular System examination
•      Oral cavity and per abdominal examination
•      Nervous system examination
•      Locomotor system examination
•      Integumentary system examination
4 Viva mark distribution and basic instructions
Conceptual and theoretical questions:
Pareeksha, Dosha Vkruti, Dhatu and Sroto vaigunya, Ama, Nidana Panchaka, Kriyakala, Vyadhi, Vyadhikshamatwa, Dhatu Paka etc. Annavaha, Pureeshavaha, Pranavaha, Mutravaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Medovaha, Vatavyadhi, Snayugata, Sandhigata vikara etc. (20 Marks)
Rogi and Roga Bala pareeksha, Doshagata and Rogamarga, Nidanarthakara roga, Vyadhi namakarana, Sadyasadyata, Upadrava etc. Common GIT diseases, Common Urinary diseases, Common lung disorders, Fever, Hematopoietic diseases, Cardiovascular disorders, Hepato-biliary disorders, Skin diseases, Thyroid disorders, Obesity, Metabolic diseases, Common neurologic and spine disorders, Diseases of bone, joints, and muscles, Immunological & Metabolic disorders, Common parasitic disorders, Tuberculosis etc. (10 Marks)
Link to existing literature and critical thinking:
Pareeksha, Dosha Vkruti, Dhatu and Sroto vaigunya, Ama, Nidana Panchaka, Kriyakala, Vyadhi, Vyadhikshamatwa, Dhatu Paka etc.Annavaha, Pureeshavaha, Pranavaha, Mutravaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Medovaha, Vatavyadhi, Snayugata, Sandhigata vikara etc. (20 Marks)
Rogi and Roga Bala pareeksha, Doshagata and Rogamarga, Nidanarthakara roga, Vyadhi namakarana, Sadyasadyata, Upadrava etc. (10 Marks)
Viva on activity book:
Questions to be asked as per the heads provided in the activity book (10 Marks)
Basic instructions:
Number of questions: There must be a total minimum of 10 questions and a maximum of 15 questions from both examiners.
  1. The questions asked during a viva should be relevant, thought-provoking, and designed to assess the candidate’s understanding, knowledge, and critical thinking
  2. Breadth and depth: The questions should cover a wide range of topics related to both the papers as well as activity and practical with equal importance, ensuring that they have a comprehensive understanding, critical thinking, and
  3. Open-ended: Questions should be open-ended rather than requiring simple yes/no answers. This allows the candidate to demonstrate their understanding and ability to provide detailed explanations and justifications.
  1. Conceptual and theoretical: Some questions should focus on the candidate’s understanding of key concepts, theories, and methodologies within their This helps evaluate their grasp of foundational knowledge and their ability to apply it.
  1. Critical thinking: The questions should encourage the candidate to think critically, analyze the subject, and findings, and identify limitations or alternative
  1. Link to existing literature: Some questions can explore the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of relevant literature in contemporary
  1. Follow-up questions: It can be effective to ask follow-up questions to probe deeper into the candidate’s This helps assess their ability to defend, respond to challenges, and think on their feet.
  1. Avoid leading questions: It is important to avoid leading questions that provide the candidate with clues or guide them towards a specific answer. The goal is to assess their independent thinking and
  1. Balance: The questions should strike a balance between being challenging and It should push the candidate’s limits without being excessively difficult or intimidating.

No questions will be asked from Nice to know category. However, 70% of the questions are to be asked from Must Know category and 30% from the Desirable to Know category by the examiner.

5 Internal assessments 30
Total Marks 200

8. List of Practicals

PRACTICALS (Marks-100)

S.No List of Topics Term Hours
1 1. Aptopadesha Pareeksha/Prashna Pareeksha 1 10
2 2. Introduction to case sheet. Pratyaksha and Anumana Pareeksha. 1 10
3 3. General clinical and Systemic examination -A 1 20
4 4. General clinical and Systemic examination – B 1 20
5 5. Common Symptomatology of different systems 2 20
6 6. Vyavachedaka nidana/ Differential diagnosis 2 4
7 7. Case presentation 2 40
8 8. Introduction to Diagnostic procedures – Hematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Urine, Stool 2 26
9 9. Introduction to Electro Cardio Gram (ECG), Different imaging techniques 2 10
10 10. Introduction to Histopathology 2 4
11 11. Study of Histopathology Specimens 3 4
12 12. Retas pareeksha 3 2
13 13. Pathology practical (Perform/ Observation/ Interpretation) 3 40

Thank you

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